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Thread: Original 75 very hold sensitive for benchrest?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Original 75 very hold sensitive for benchrest?

    I had a go at using my new original 75 for 25m springer benchrest.
    Quite a strange experience, as it seems quite hold sensitive.
    Firstly, dropping it on 2 bags, it gave some flyers.
    I dropped to a front bag, fully shouldered at the rear, with a tiny bit of hand support under the butt. Now this is where it gets interesting, if I support it on the fleshy palm of a finger, it's POI is at lest 5mm lower if i support it from the bone side of my finger!

    You would think being "recoil less " it would be pretty good, but it's obviously setup for free standing, and has hold issues to overcome, just like any other springer!

    How do other people support their rifles for 25m benchrest?
    Thanks - Geoff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Hi Geoff,
    I know this will go against the norm for bench rest but have you tried front bag only with your right hand rested on it and the foretock rested on your hand? It may help? I find my recoiling springers better this way.
    Another thing you could try is putting material of different slippiness over the front rest in case the rifle is more accurate when allowed to slide on the front rest or when held more firmly in place by friction.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Garibaldi, Victoria, Australia


    Hi Geoff,

    This is very interesting. I have an Anschutz 380 Running Target rifle with 9x scope which I shoot [at about 24 yards] off a rest made from old saddle blankets discarded by my wife who is a serious equestrienne. [I believe the 75 and the 380 are of the last 'generation' of recoiless springers from the 1980s.] I generally shoot the rifle exactly as Rich suggests with front hand supporting the rifle while resting on the soft rest and am becoming pretty accurate. Shooting this very accurate rifle has helped me to learn to focus through a scope and also develop more subtle trigger control.

    Late yesterday I tried adjusting the height of the rest and also shooting with the rifle fore-stock just sitting on the soft rolled-up blankets which are filled with foam or/or horse hair. I found that the impact point changed as did you. My initial thought was that there a subtle change in my posture and where I placed the butt against my shoulder and thus my head position which, in turn, changed how I looked through the scope at my aim point. I'll be shooting it again later today to test various positions. Typically I find [being a novice] that changes in me and my posture are the cause of pellets going strange places when I shoot any of my rifles. I understand that these 'recoiless springers' still have a recoil, though very subtle - I suspect that fellow called Newton came up with some Laws of motion and, in particular, action-reaction that still apply.


    Via Ballarat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yay, had a play today, got it sorted, rice packed bag at the front, holding the rifle shouldered with 1 hand only on the stock. Not even supporting the butt with the 2nd hand.

    Thanks - Geoff.

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