9th September 2005………………………………………immediate release..

A proposal to restrict airgun sales to registered firearms dealers (RFDs) will not reduce airgun crime, according to the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC).

BASC, the UK’s largest shooting organisation, which has a long track record of involvement in initiatives to reduce the misuse of airguns, believes the proposals put forward by the Scottish Executive and currently being considered by the Home Office will prove ineffective and unenforceable.

Bill Harriman, BASC Director of Firearms said “Firearms dealers could keep a record of initial sales, but after that there would be no enforceable audit trail of where an airgun has gone. The Firearms Acts also make it unlikely that a dealer could be held responsible for subsequent misuse of an airgun which they had sold. It would prove impossible to police private sales between individuals. The police could also struggle to process a flood of applications from retailers wishing to become registered firearms dealers”

“The answer to airgun crime is two-fold; enforcement of the existing law coupled with investment in an educational programme to highlight the dangers of airgun misuse to young people.”

There are an estimated five to seven million airguns already in circulation in the UK. BASC believes restricting sales of new airguns to RFDs will do nothing to prevent misuse with new or second-hand airguns.

Bill Harriman said “Airguns have a useful and legitimate role to play in pest control, target shooting and recreation. The vast majority of owners use them safely and responsibly. High powered air rifles are already subject to the strictest level of licensing allowed under UK law. We will be meeting the Home Office in the near future to discuss these proposals. Effective legislation already exists to deal with airgun crime. Until it is properly enforced and backed with an education programme, further legislation should not be considered.” ENDS.

BASC publishes an airgun code of practice which can be seen at http://www.basc.org.uk/content/airriflepractice

For more information call the press office on 01244 573031