Quote Originally Posted by Rex&Amy View Post
hi Jean, I have to say that I have a perfect example of that as I had my hernia operation yesterday and because of my low oxygen levels the did it with a spinal block. Danny Rolf insisted that I need someone to give me a lift home from the hospital instead of getting a cab. He told me that that he would collect me and make sure I got home safely because I live in a second floor flat. The hospital told me that he should get there for 1 pm but as they gave the spinal block my legs didnt come back to life until about 7pm. I couldn't pass urine because i had no feeling anywhere and when I went to rip off the paper knickers I had to wear for the op and use the bed bottle. I didnt know they had already been removed and that paper I tried to pull off was actually my penis which was also paralysed. Danny was awesome and just sat with me all the time and when I had a go standing I nearly passed out with pain, the paracetamol clearly wasn't enough and the nurse gave me morphine. When the nurse realised that no body was going to be staying with me she said no way can we release you as you are in no shape to be left alone. Danny just stepped up and said he would stay at my flat with me and make sure I was settled before he left this morning. What a awesome friend and his lovely missus whos never met me just made me a great stew, treacle pudding and changed her plans so Danny could stay with me and kept me safe.

I am so grateful and your post reiterates how wonderful the HFT fraternity are, I could never imagined that this is how we look after each other when I took up shooting about 4 years ago just because it is a sport that introduced me to people who didnt always drink or take drugs cos I had a mental break down about ten years ago and spent a couple of years homeless even though I had given up drinking. In fact so many lovely HFT people have turned my life around from the battle to find excuses not to top myself. Thanks for having me
Someone told me about this post yesterday at MAD... must admit I don't read the forums much.
Thankyou for kind words Rex and Auntie Jean...
I love this sport and more importantly the people... You all have helped me in so many ways...I'm honoured to call you all friends