Mines a fixed 10 sightron, 37 yard zero, 22 yard px setting, and scope on medium/high mounts.

My holdovers/unders are roughly:
8 yard = -1.5 dot
10 yard = -1.0 dot
15 yard = crosshair
20 yard = 0.25
25 yard = 0.5
30 yard = 0.25
35 yard = 0.25 (ish)
37 yard = crosshair
40 yard = -0.25
45 yard = -0.5

You can see the pro's and cons compared to Dan's setting above and it's down to the type of target you tend to miss. If you really struggle with the 15mm kils then a 25 or 30 yard zero helps but you'll have a large holdover at 45 yards wheres mine is only 0.5 mildot (lines on my Sightron). the reason i set mine up like that was because at national HFT shoots targets started getting longer and the introduction or 25mm kills out to 40 yards were the ones i missed. With my zero i can stay in 25mm kill whether it's 35 or 40 yards. quite a few people use 35 yards as it's a 'central' position and gives the best mix of needed holdover/under.