With over 41,000 members of this forum we as a group are powerful political lobbying unit if we use it by each individual writing or e-mailing to your PM telling them what you think of this possible change in the legislation in a calm and cool manner pointing out that you are a member of the most law abiding and closely monitored section of the community in this country.
They just look at most of the organisations with distain and that they are only looking after their own backs and jobs.
Where you as voters can make an impact which they will not be expecting because we have never e-mailed or written to them as individuals expressing our opinion on the effect it will have on you personally and the possibility of it ruining your sport completely unnecessarily and only impacting on the law abiding and will not affect those who choose or are stupid enough to carry out criminal or idiotic actions with what is a tool to us who use it for target shooting or pest control operations.
The effect on the six hundred MP's having to reply to 41,000 letters or e-mails would at the very least get us noticed and they need your vote, if indeed every everyone who had SGC, FAC or was an Airgun owner or user was to write to their MP the receipt of over a million e-mails or letters would shake them to the core.
But I don't suppose for one minute you will do it because you don't care enough about your sport to spare a few minutes to write or e-mail your MP.