Webley like so many companies were strapped for cash, taxed to buggery, had poor management, were relying on dated machinery, and in old buildings. No investment, no dynamism, and relying on pile it high sell it cheep.
Manufacturing in the 70's was in decline for good reason, and the work force on the dole.

Much was lack of realising what the market wanted and only begrudgingly providing anything much at all. To sum up just look at the triggers.

Anyhow, AA know what they do well.
FWB brought out their Sport last year but still failed to give something as desirable as their old one! That was a clanger!
Speculate to accumulate is fine if you are making good profits and tax burden isn't extortionate. Think its the case most UK gun makers, after the initial investment, just about hang in there. No wriggle room to make a whopping mistake.
A little springer with all the "improvements" is a risk if its going to better whats already out there.

HW30? Did they always have a Rekcord trigger? Whatever I bought and sold a few years back didn't; skinny barrel too. Think they have made some changes??? Think the 99 a better bet?? Thankfully, I'm not in the market for one.