Quote Originally Posted by robs5230 View Post
lets not get on the wrong track with the break barrel thing. The primary use of a break barrel is a field rifle. Whatever wear in the lockup may occur would only likely manifest itself years down the line.
What I was originally getting at was the production of a break barrel (hunter) more suited in size and performance to the UK sub 12 limit.
It would need to be smaller and lighter than the pro elite, 80 and such or definitely not worth producing as that market is already well serviced.

Its a real shame that a British manufacturer is ignoring the needs of shooters in this country but I do get why.

A break barrel rifle with the design but scaled down proportions of the pro elite would be a wonder of a rifle and i genuinely dont think it will happen, just wish it would.
i suppose ill have to buy a fenman and convert it to a springer
I genuinely do not understand this worship of the Pro Elite. Even in FAC it is capable of only a little bit more power than the HW80 which is a better bet in virtually every way. In legal limit the PE is a great big lump and that is why it was a commercial failure and quite sensibly was withdrawn by AA.
As I wrote before AA don't offer a break barrel because they consider that the market is well served in this segment. I know a lot of shooters on here like the 99 but quite a few don't so for them there is always the HW95. For those shooters harking back to a different age there are the lovely Webley Longbow (made in Birmingham) and the Theoben Fenman (which for me is possibly the best self contained legal limit general purpose air rifle ever made). Especially in .20.
OK these are no longer made but there are plenty around for those of us who want one.