Quote Originally Posted by DJP View Post
He was probably trying to steal your bike.

Or was just a dick.
yep. they tried to follow me home but i went onto the dual carriageway and got up to 60mph and then onto country roads for a mile or so. i lost them easy.

i then went onto facebook to the bikers scam page for aberdeen and saw a report for a stolen scooter they had did the same that they tried to do it me . the same one they turned up on . i reported it to the police and reported that they tried the same with me . the scooter was stolen that day and not long before they tried it with me .

with the scooter guy the supposed buyer gave him his Iphone to hold as security but it turn out the Iphone had been stolen also and barred by the network.

when i first moved here i was working in aberdeen and i stopped at lights . an other bike pulled up beside me and he asked how long i had it and then said has it been stolen yet? i said no and he said it will be soon and rode off .

a month later it was parked up outside the site i was working on and some tried to steal it . they were caught by another worker that knew me . they had tried to hotwire it . a few weeks after that security at the hospital was standing near my bike and i asked what was going on. he said some one was caught on cctv trying to cut the chain . they ran off when they saw the security guy . i reported both incidents to the police . nothing could be done .

2 months later and the bike was stolen from outside my house . i had only left it ten mins on a busy main road . it as never found .

3 year later and same again but a 650cc CCM 644 this time . it was found with two 14 year old s pushing up a path . police could do nothing as they said they found it in the street even thought they were covered in mud and so was the bike .

i had been followed home a few times that i knew off so i would go different way home . i even went off road a few time to shake them off

yes i had an alarm on the CCM but it was a pager alarm that had a silent alarm on the bike and a vibration alert on the pager bit but as the keys were in the kitchen i never heard it . and i did not put it on silent. the button to put on silent just needed pressed for a few seconds to turn the alarm to silent . only the indicators would flash in that state . lesson learned ,don't but that type of alarm again.