Quote Originally Posted by Aimstraight View Post
From the manual::

Err 2 shows on screen; the second sensor did not detect the passage of the bullet. Poor light or poor alignment.

I use the F1 indoors with a 21 LED Puck light below each sunscreen (held with magnets); quite consistent, but when the batteries run low Err2 comes up. Chrony on a tripod, gun rested and sighted onto a target to maintain the right height above both sensors.
I have also heard that the unit responds more consistently if the gun is shot from about 3 feet from the first sensor and held at a slight downward angle. Whenever I try this method outside the unit works consistently and at other times , well lets say I have shot it twice but the damn thing is still working. Lighting level is its worst enemy indicating that perhaps the sensors are not all that sensitive.