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Thread: Hw 45 question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Hw 45 question

    Hi guys, I have just serviced my first '45' in more years than I care to remember, I certainly didn't remember the whole assy. and so one little part suddenly struck me as odd. Does anyone know for sure, or have any idea as to why Weihrauch put the mainspring guide in the position they have??, from memory 'basic' springers have the guide at the cylinder end plug of the mechanism, which to my basic sense of things would be right; the piston to an extent controls the distortion of the spring at one end externally on the spring and the guide sits inside the spring and controls the 'freer' end. However Weihrauch in this gun have gone opposite. Has anyone tried to swap the guide over to the 'normal' end and if so is there any advantage/disadvantage??
    Also and I blame this either on old age and a senior moment of epic proportions or the super high strength pain killers I am taking for a bout of Sciatica making me more drowsy than normal, when I finished the service the gun would only part cock; the piston moving about 3/4" and then 'solid', after several strips and assembly's I began turning the pistol every which way to find the problem - - DOH!!!, as I was only check testing the gun I hadn't re-tightened the grub screw that locks the barrel pivot pin and it was protruding just enough to strike the end of the main frame inside the fork area!!!! hence total stop, so just a hint don't undo the screw enough for the end to show past the face of the barrel housing, or remove it completely; it will stop you from doing what I did and possibly stop a lot of frustration.
    Look forward to hearing your replies.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by abellringer View Post
    Hi guys, I have just serviced my first '45' in more years than I care to remember, I certainly didn't remember the whole assy. and so one little part suddenly struck me as odd. Does anyone know for sure, or have any idea as to why Weihrauch put the mainspring guide in the position they have??, from memory 'basic' springers have the guide at the cylinder end plug of the mechanism, which to my basic sense of things would be right; the piston to an extent controls the distortion of the spring at one end externally on the spring and the guide sits inside the spring and controls the 'freer' end. However Weihrauch in this gun have gone opposite. Has anyone tried to swap the guide over to the 'normal' end and if so is there any advantage/disadvantage??
    Also and I blame this either on old age and a senior moment of epic proportions or the super high strength pain killers I am taking for a bout of Sciatica making me more drowsy than normal, when I finished the service the gun would only part cock; the piston moving about 3/4" and then 'solid', after several strips and assembly's I began turning the pistol every which way to find the problem - - DOH!!!, as I was only check testing the gun I hadn't re-tightened the grub screw that locks the barrel pivot pin and it was protruding just enough to strike the end of the main frame inside the fork area!!!! hence total stop, so just a hint don't undo the screw enough for the end to show past the face of the barrel housing, or remove it completely; it will stop you from doing what I did and possibly stop a lot of frustration.
    Look forward to hearing your replies.
    Yes ive worked on the darn things since they first arrived on the scene.....too many years ago now..
    It was all about power when they built it sticking the guide down inside the piston gave it more weight and in this model a bit more oomph ....i tested it extensively and can tell you it realises approx 40 fps more with hobby pellets...but as you correctly guessed it means that a goodly section of the mainspring is then left completely unguided as the piston moves forward and also acts as a far too heavy piston weight...bringing another set of problems ....this does nothing for accuracy or vibration, with the gun in this format one of the most difficult to shoot accurately ever assembled....infact the entire MPL league kicked it out pissed off ...
    You can turn it around to the conventional end, losing some power but giving a much better firing cycle not to mention stable weight..where its needed at the muzzle end...and correct guiding/spring life...
    Alternatively go for Delrin guiding ...I first tried Delrin guiding in the early 90s with some degree of taming the thing but ive never been a fan....i think its too top heavy and appearance and shootability ...leaving people cold being a common moan..
    Pm me for mods and alternative weaponary ideas..
    Last edited by clarky; 23-10-2017 at 09:26 PM.

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