Not poppycock, my experience.

The vast majority of items that I have purchased which have been Lee have either broken within an unacceptable time period (2x Hand Primers failed in the same place with metal coming away), haven’t done the job properly (38-55 dies not really being for a 38-55) or were just plain inconsistent (Powder thrower). The only thing I have that I have found that are good is the Powder dippers!

All of the above had to be replaced by RCBS or Dillon equipment which i found to be better made, did a better job (particularly the RCBS cowboy dies), were far more reliable and still going strong without any issues after thousands of rounds.

That’s not to say other manufacturers don’t also produce naff products, I find the Lyman #55 Powder thrower as inconsistent as the Lee ones, in fact the only Powder thrower I have come across which is spot on every time is Dillon’s.