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Thread: No wonder we get a bad name

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    No wonder we get a bad name

    From the local newspaper

    He had permission!!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    nr Stanley, Co Durham
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket launcher View Post
    From the local newspaper

    He had permission!!!!!
    If you take it at face value and the air pistol was pointed at them, it really doesn't matter if he had permission.

    Saying that I find it difficult to believe the story as the guy sounds like a complete tool to be honest.

    The comment section is hilarious !

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Having permission doesn't make people less stupid.
    If your permission has public access, like a footpath, then you need to take account of that in your actions, Equally the public need to know shooters may be there with the landowners permission, which is best done with signs at each end of the path.
    These sound like morons with airguns, rather than being "knowledgeable shooters"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    If the land has a public right of way on it surely the landowner is at fault here for not policing whats happening on his or her land? idiots with guns are doing us no favours at all,unfortunately the youth of today don't see consequence in their actions because society has given them far too easy a ride.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Gone West Young Man

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I stopped reading half way down the article as it started to do my head in, after reading this bit hear lol..

    "I shouted again and he showed me the gun and said 'it's just a .22'. But I think you can put proper bullets in there as well as pellets.

    I think it was a case of the land owners fault if he gave the kid permission, he should make sure there is a designated area for shooting, no shooting near the path, it was also the kids fault for shooting near the path and road and contining to do so while people are was there and clearly in distress, and I feel the other guy over reacted too. That's just my take on the small amount I read.

    ATB Marc
    Some of my favourite guns in. You collection, Umarex Beretta 92fs - Colt Custom 1911 - Walther Lever Action - TM Hi-Capa Custom Build Project - Colt SAA .45 & many more..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    gets a lot worse when the public have the right to roam as they do up here .

    the general public like the guy complaining are not innocent either .

    there is a dog owner near my permission that lives right next to one of the fields i shoot . if she sees me (i pass her house in the car and she can see the full length of the field) she then grabs the dog and strides through the field whistling at he dog or telling the dog to chase the rabbits . if she then sees me she slows down her walking and takes for ever to go through the field . if she does not see me she walks at a fair speed .

    if i'm seen i will unload the rifle and put it in my gun bag and sit down where i am or walk in the opposite direction .

    she has been asked not to enter the field when any one is shooting ( myself or the estate gamekeepers )but she still does it .

    the estate does not want to take it further as they don't want the bad publicity . she is surrounded by fields but always uses this field .

    her husband ,he is a fine .if he sees me or the estate gamekeepers he will turn a head back . i have spoken to him a number of times and he is a nice guy . he says he spoken to his wife and asked her not to do what she does but she wont listen.

    she called the police one night as the estate gamekeeper was out shooting foxes . they got 3 that night . she called the police saying there was a guy in the field recklessly firing at things in the dark and shining a high power blinding light in her window.

    the police called the gamekeepers (they had previously called the MOD police and the civilian police to say they would be out shooting and lamping) and asked if they were still on the land and lamping and they said yes , they were then told there had been a complaint and the gamekeeper said i can guess who and told them the ladies name . the police would not confirm it . the gamekeepers knew who it was as her house is the only one there .

    she even walked through the field when the gamekeepers were flushing out the foxes from the wood.she was told to stop but carried on. keepers then stopped and recorded what was going on in case there was a confrontation. she was shouting they were murderers.

    she is vocally an anti ,and i was told by my brother in law about her before i started shooting there . she complains about his tractor and cows churning up the mud at the gate to the field . a typical townie .

    i tend not to go in that field now . and if i do i stay at the other end of it . not worth the hassle .
    Last edited by bighit; 15-11-2017 at 03:00 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Hollesley, near Woodbridge
    Quote Originally Posted by bullbarrel View Post
    BMW drivers eh!!
    Oi !
    Custom BSA S10 .22 PAX Phoenix Mk 2 .22 Custom Titan Manitou .22 (JB BP) HW77 .22 FWB Sport Mk1 .22 Sharp Ace .22 Crossman 600 .22 Berretta 92 .20 Desert Eagle .177

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Malta, sometimes London
    I actually found the article quite hilarious. The guy reporting the incident is evidently a drama queen, and the Police's statement at the end, infers as much.
    **WANTED**: WEBLEY PATRIOT MUZZLE END; Any Diana/Original mod.50 parts, especially OPEN SIGHTS

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    It sounds like six of one, half a dozen of the other - irresponsible shooter and one of 'those' dog walkers

    All of the above.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    cardiff , south wales
    Dog walkers down here don't respect boundaries or pick shite up.
    And they love a bit of drama ��
    Told a few to get off the land being shot on .
    I know they can't all be bad but I've encountered wuite a few .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonjon79 View Post
    It sounds like six of one, half a dozen of the other - irresponsible shooter and one of 'those' dog walkers
    the public will see the word gun then ignore the other side of the story .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    What is the position of the law if the land owner had errects a large sign saying ' Beware Vermin Control/Shooting in progress '?


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by lensman57 View Post
    What is the position of the law if the land owner had errects a large sign saying ' Beware Vermin Control/Shooting in progress '?

    As shooting is an activity that occurs in places where the public often have a right
    of access, we have looked carefully at the legislation specific to shooting near or
    over public rights of way. The interpretation of authority to use firearms on land
    with public rights of way and in public places often leads to confusion for everyone.
    BASC advises that discretion be used where shooting needs to take place and
    where a public right of way exists. All persons participating in any shooting activity
    must recognise that users of public rights of way have the right to pass and repass.
    One should refrain from shooting when a right of way is being used as this
    could be construed as a common law nuisance, wilful obstruction or a breach of
    Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.
    Rights of way fall into two categories, Public rights of way and Private rights of way.
    Public rights of way
    Highways are a way in which the public have the right to pass and re-pass by foot,
    on horseback or with vehicles. Bridleways, footpaths and metalled roads
    (carriageways) are all examples of highways.
    Carriageways are a way constructed or comprised in a highway (other than a
    cycle track) over which the public have a right of way by foot, on horseback or with
    Bridleways are a highway over which the public has a right of way on foot, on
    horseback or leading a horse. There is also a right to use a pedal cycle on a
    bridleway providing the cyclist gives way to pedestrians and riders.
    Private rights of way fall into two categories, the first being for the benefit of a
    landowner in respect of accessing his own land via someone else’s and where public
    access is restricted and the second being ‘permissive paths’. Permissive paths are
    paths and tracks that are not public rights of way. There is no statutory right to use
    them and they are not covered by rights of way legislation. Often there will be a
    notice at either end of the route explaining this and setting out any conditions the
    owner has set. You may find, for example, that use is restricted to daylight hours,
    that dogs are banned entirely, or that the path may be moved or closed at certain
    In England & Wales it is an offence without lawful authority or reasonable excuse to
    discharge any firearm within fifty feet of the centre of a highway which consists of
    or comprises a carriageway, and in consequence a user of the carriageway is
    injured, interrupted or endangered. [Section 161(2) of the Highways Act 1980 as
    amended]. It is important to remember that the discharge of a firearm is not
    prohibited in itself. It must also be proved that there was an injury, or that
    someone’s passage was interrupted or interfered with e.g. they have been forced to
    make a detour.
    For the purposes of Section 161 (2) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended), a
    ‘highway’ is restricted to a public right of way for the passage of vehicles and does
    not include footpaths, cycle tracks or bridleways. Therefore the fifty feet rule
    described above does not apply to rights of ways that cross private lands e.g.
    Whilst the Firearms Act does not provide a statutory definition of what is meant by
    “lawful authority” or “reasonable excuse”. We believe that “lawful authority” would
    not necessarily apply to sportsmen as this seems to relate to those issued with
    firearms in connection with official duties such as police or military personnel.
    “Reasonable excuse” would apply to sportsmen shooting over land with permission.
    Section 19 of the Firearms Act with regard to having a ‘firearm in a public place’
    also applies and is described on page 4. This legislation applies to all public places
    and not just open access land.
    When the footpath runs across private land the ownership of the land and sporting
    rights are unaltered. Therefore a person with the shooting/sporting rights may
    shoot on or over footpaths on their land equally to public having the right to walk
    (to pass and re-pass) along it as a means of communication. So the public and the
    shooters have a concurrent right to the footpath and it is up to both parties to not
    obstruct the other.
    However if you shoot over footpaths, only do so if you have permission to drop shot
    over the land on the other side. To fire a bullet or shot onto land that you have no
    right to shoot into or over is ‘constructive trespass’. Whilst this is a civil matter
    BASC strongly advises not to do this. It is also a basic safety precaution not to
    shoot into cover where you cannot be sure what your projectile(s) will hit. It is
    especially important to apply this when shooting near footpaths obscured by hedges
    or foliage. It is good practice to only shoot across footpaths where you can see
    approaching users from a long way off and be certain you will not cause danger or
    alarm. Please note that in the case of air weapons it is a criminal offence to fire an
    air pellet outside the boundary of your permitted premises.
    If you shoot from a path situated on somebody else’s land (regardless of who owns
    the rights to shoot on the land you are shooting into) it is taken to be armed
    trespass which is a criminal offence.
    If a member of public is using a public right of way that crosses or is in the vicinity
    of your shoot or drive, the member of public has the right to pass and re-pass
    along the right of way without hindrance. Therefore any shooting should be
    refrained from until they are at a distance where your activity should not cause any
    concern. This is particularly important if a bridleway is in use as a horse rider could
    be endangered by a startled horse. If a member of public approaches a
    path/bridleway a method for ceasing to shoot should be in place. One example of a
    proven method is:
    A member of the shoot should be positioned at either end of the route (where
    appropriate) and shooting area to keep a watch for users of the right of way. When
    a person is seen approaching on the right of way the following action should then
    be taken. The ‘watcher’ should sound a horn, whistle etc to stop the drive, this
    person should request that the rider or person(s) on foot wait. All guns should then
    unload, and have their guns broken in the safest position pointing to the ground,
    then the person is able to continue to use the right of way.
    Persons using a right of way are prohibited from loitering or using it for purposes
    other than a reasonable use. If a person strays from a path then only ‘civil trespass’
    would apply (See below); however if a person commits ‘aggravated trespass’ (See
    page 4) i.e. to disrupt your course of business or lawful activity, the police may be
    called. In difficult circumstances it is sensible to call the police before the potential
    “activist” calls the police with a malicious allegation against you. “forewarned is
    Additionally if a person uses a footpath to disrupt lawful activities they are also
    viewed as trespassers. In the case of Harrison –v- The Duke of Rutland (1893)
    Harrison had used a footpath to disrupt the Duke’s grouse shoot by waving a
    handkerchief and opening and closing his umbrella. It was held that even though
    Harrison had remained on the footpath he was still a trespasser because of his
    actions in attempting to disrupt the shoot.
    It is also an offence to discharge a firearm in any street so as to obstruct, annoy or
    endanger residents or passers-by. The word “Street” is defined to include any road,
    alley, court, square, thoroughfare or public passage. [Section 28 of the Town Police
    Clauses Act 1847].
    NB: It is not clear whether this definition extends to footpaths or bridleways within
    towns as no court has been asked to clarify this point.
    Civil trespass is simply a person entering property where they do not have the right
    to be or property where they have been given permission to be, but have
    subsequently been asked to leave. An occupier may use reasonable force to remove
    a person from premises and anyone, including the police, may assist the occupier
    with this. Civil trespass is not a criminal matter for the police. Prosecutions may
    only take place if a landowner chooses to prosecute the person privately in court.
    It is an offence to enter any building, part of a building or land (including land
    covered by water) with a firearm without reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies
    on the person). [Section 20 Firearms Act 1968]
    Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
    Section 68 provides for the offence of Aggravated Trespass. A person shall be
    guilty of an offence if he trespasses on land (including buildings - Section 59, AntiSocial
    Behaviour Act 2003) with the intention of disrupting or obstructing a lawful
    activity. This includes intimidating another person so as to deter him from engaging
    in a lawful activity.
    Section 69 empowers the police to direct aggravated trespassers to leave the land.
    This includes circumstances where the police believe a person is about to commit
    the offence of aggravated trespass or intimidation. If the person directed fails to
    leave the land as soon as practicable or having left the land as a trespasser reenters
    the land within three months from the day a direction was given they
    commit an offence.
    Section 42 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 provides for other Acts of
    Parliament to apply to open access land. This section relates to things done, or
    omitted to be done, in public places or other places to which the public have access.
    For the purposes of shooting these are:
    • Discharging firearms - Section 161(2) of the Highways Act 1980 as
    described on page 1.
    • Carrying Firearms in public places - Section 19 of the Firearms Act 1968
    makes it an offence for someone to have with them a loaded shotgun, a
    loaded air weapon, or any other firearm (whether loaded or not) together
    with ammunition suitable for use in that firearm in a public place without
    lawful authority or reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on the person).
    The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 also extends the Firearms Act to include
    unloaded air weapons and imitation firearms.
    The British Association for Shooting and Conservation has raised concerns with
    DEFRA, on behalf of its members, that allowing sections 19 and 47 of the Firearms
    Act to apply to all land mapped as ‘open access land’ might lead members of the
    public to misunderstand the scope of the provisions and contact the police. A
    possibility also exists that some members of the public opposed to shooting
    activities might make malicious complaints under section 19.
    Section 47 of the Firearms Act makes provision for a constable to examine firearms
    and ammunition if he has cause to suspect a person of having a firearm, with or
    without ammunition, with him in a public place; or to be committing or about to
    commit, elsewhere than in a public place, an offence relevant to the purposes of
    the rest of Section 47.
    The police are undoubtedly and rightly able to ‘stop and search’ individuals if they
    suspect an offence has or is about to be committed and for no other reason.
    Although it is not a legal requirement to carry your firearm or shotgun certificate
    whilst shooting, it is especially advisable to do so (or to carry a copy) when
    shooting on ‘open access land’ to avoid your firearms being seized if stopped by
    If you believe the police to have acted illegally or improperly, a complaint should be
    directed to the chief officer of police for the force concerned or sent to the
    Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), giving
    brief details and a statement of the exact complaint.
    Additional information about disruption of shoots by demonstrators can be viewed
    on the BASC website
    ENQUIRIES TO: FIREARMS DEPT – 01244 573010
    © June 2012

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bighit View Post
    the public will see the word gun then ignore the other side of the story .
    I agree mate - hysterical dog walker wins by default

    All of the above.

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