So here is my response, to the government. I don't think I have shown a biased view but merely pointed out some valid points for consideration

Dear Sir/Madam
I think as a country our gun control regulation is stringent with enough control measures in place to ensure that they are used correctly.
As a firearms owner I know that the police FEO teams already struggle with managing firearms licencing administration the burden of extra work will only see this service struggle further.
The banning of handguns has had no effect on gun crime which still takes place the only persons affected were the law abiding shooters who belonged to clubs etc who can no longer carry on with there sport.
Airgun shooters as a whole enjoy the membership of clubs etc and cause no problem to the general public likewise if we took the same stance on banning cars because people drink and drive it would again affect the law abiding majority.
There are a number of businesses that rely on shooting as a living, tighter controls would see more uk shops struggle.
The government need to look at the harsher punishment of the people causing the nuisance as a deterent and stop punishing the majority for the acts of a reckless minority.