I totally agree that there has been a great resurgence in springers, I put this down to a few things. Number one, with the help of website like this and shooting the breeze, learning how to set up and shoot a springer has become much easier. The second is the cost, PCP's are crazy money, even a bog standard HW100 is nearly a grand with a scope on top, where as a TX200hc is half of that and finaly, it's the people.

I shot PCP for 8 years and I realy enjoyed it, but after a while I started to become boared, I would come of the course and think about the shots I missed and not the ones I got and this is because if you own a top PCP, you should get most of the prone shots. With a boinger, you come off the course and you remember all the targets you hit and you especialy remember the ones you get that the PCP boys missed and that gives you ultimate bragging rights.

I have had so much help in my journey from people like Nigel Wood, Rex Bennet, Neil Wakelin, Vince Holland and even Phill Russel and its the fraternaty of springer shooters that has ignited my love of shoooting again.

If you don't own a boinger, go get one, they are great and the people who shoot them are a wonderful bunch.

all the best

Gary Chillingworth