Christmas dinner done and onto the second glass of Glen Morangie, the warmth spreads through you and a posting seems to be the right think to do.....Topping up and ready to go.
Happy christmas to shooters of the 80's ( a strange band in a strange land) but creating a firm evironment which we enjoy today. Considering either "Dark side" ( nasty pcp's ), or instruments of the light "springers", both give a certain satisfaction but for some reason springers give more.
Considering why, and a third (glass or fourth), it may be that if you shoot pcp's for a time you seem to reach a plateau, and some go beyond it and become something special, high consistant scores, and an understanding of wind that indicates a selling of ones soul...almost.Others don't and never go beyond that level.
However shooting a springer,"it being a hard taskmaster", skills, if you can stay the course,will become ingrained slower than a pcp but stay longer and a better sense of achievement to break through the plateau and beyond, which is almost unnoticeable.
Certainly a strong sense of determination seems to go hand in hand with those who spread the word of the spring.
Skills gained with springers translate into pcp shooting but rarely the other way;mistakes in hold etc you can get away with pcp's but springers have to be nearly perfect each time. The margin for error is very small,........all those that affect a pcp, and then throw recoil and hold into the equation. Wonderfall things springers and their shooters.
HERX77 .