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Thread: Cannot get magazine to rotate in aa s310 action.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Cannot get magazine to rotate in aa s310 action.

    Hi guys. After my transplant of a s310 top part action on to my s300 i cannot get the magazine i bought to rotate. The cam is working when you pull the bolt back and rising the springy thing that rotates the mag up with no magazine in the gun. But as soon i pull the bolt back and push the mag in to place the brass spring that rotates the mag stay at the top so mag will not rotate. Either the mag i ordered off ramsbottom bottom is not for this gun as stated or i am missing something. Its been 15yrs since i had my proper s310 so maybe i am doing something wrong? I dont thing its the mag as ramsbottom said it is for 310/410/510 and the new bullpup. Help please. Regards. Chris

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Cannot get magazine to rotate in aa s310 action.

    i'm almost sure the mags are the same in all AA's repeaters, I'd try borrowing a mag off someone to try before returning it.I think jr must have forgotten more about airgun parts compatability than most of us will ever know. i had an s300 & it was one of the most accurate pcps i've had. i never had to touch it apart from a new breech seal when I first got it, so reliable.

  3. #3
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by junglie View Post
    i'm almost sure the mags are the same in all AA's repeaters, I'd try borrowing a mag off someone to try before returning it.I think jr must have forgotten more about airgun parts compatability than most of us will ever know. i had an s300 & it was one of the most accurate pcps i've had. i never had to touch it apart from a new breech seal when I first got it, so reliable.
    I do not think its the mag either but i am missing something i think but cannot put my finger on it. Its been a long time since i had an 310.

  4. #4
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    I have had some interesting problems in this area. The mag should be ok . The indexing arm could be at fault, in my case the cam plate needed to be the changed and also adjusted to fit correctly. If your stuck let me know I could take a look and substitute some parts to try

  5. #5
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    Thanks pj. I think i will order a new magazine post first and see if that fixes the problem. This is the first time i have tried tinkering with a pcp and i suppose part of the learning curve. Sorry if i am bothering you guys to much for info. Just a bit lost at the moment. Lets see if the pot fixes the problem. Regards. Chris

  6. #6
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    Check the springy thing that rotates the mag isn't loose mate, they are held by a small bolt you will need a
    Small precision screwdriver to tighten it and I would add a tiny drop of locktite. I had this twice on s410s the indexing arm moves without a mag in but if its slightly loose the play in the arm prevents it indexing. s410 mags work fine in the 310 they are all interchangeable I have 2 mags that work fine in all my air arms pcps. Hope that helps bud.


  7. #7
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Hi WILBA aka Chris,

    I've had this several times over the years with my S410. Mag removed you will see the little brass spring clip on the side which rotates the magazine when the bolt is drawn. As with all full contact components, these stress and weaken over time. Both the clip and its little holding bracket are very quickly and easily removed (easier than changing a plug fuse), and being classed as a consumable part, Air Arms sell these selectors (think that is what they are called) for a few quid via a call direct (which was how I bought my last two), or via your local RFD with their modest mark-up (they need to eat, too, lol).

    So don't waste any time trying to repair the existing component because, as stated, these have a natural shelf life and a finite number of times that they can execute before the spring looses its mojo. Also, what ever you do, do not, what EVER you do, go anywhere near this component's seat in your action with ANY FORM of adhesive, as it will do no good whatsoever, and both the short and the long term ramifications of that particular action, on your action, is not worth contemplating: gluing a component with a finite life-span in place is akin to welding your car's oil filter on if it comes loose.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  8. #8
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by p.j. View Post

    I have had some interesting problems in this area. The mag should be ok . The indexing arm could be at fault, in my case the cam plate needed to be the changed and also adjusted to fit correctly. If your stuck let me know I could take a look and substitute some parts to try
    That is the kiddie I've referred to above, so seems you are already in capable hands, so I'll get me coat.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth W-B View Post
    Hi WILBA aka Chris,

    I've had this several times over the years with my S410. Mag removed you will see the little brass spring clip on the side which rotates the magazine when the bolt is drawn. As with all full contact components, these stress and weaken over time. Both the clip and its little holding bracket are very quickly and easily removed (easier than changing a plug fuse), and being classed as a consumable part, Air Arms sell these selectors (think that is what they are called) for a few quid via a call direct (which was how I bought my last two), or via your local RFD with their modest mark-up (they need to eat, too, lol).

    So don't waste any time trying to repair the existing component because, as stated, these have a natural shelf life and a finite number of times that they can execute before the spring looses its mojo. Also, what ever you do, do not, what EVER you do, go anywhere near this component's seat in your action with ANY FORM of adhesive, as it will do no good whatsoever, and both the short and the long term ramifications of that particular action, on your action, is not worth contemplating: gluing a component with a finite life-span in place is akin to welding your car's oil filter on if it comes loose.
    I locktited mine over ten years ago and its never caused me a problem. A minute amount on the threads does no harm whatsoever, and the part is still easily removable should you wish.

  10. #10
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldinio View Post

    I locktited mine over ten years ago and its never caused me a problem. A minute amount on the threads does no harm whatsoever, and the part is still easily removable should you wish.
    Very happy for you. I however will continue to choose to abstain.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    It sounds like the pin on the back of the actuator is not running in the slot, but outside it. Ask for Rich and try the coffee

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Well fitted the new springy thing and still not turning the mag fully. Air arms =1 chris =0. :-(

  13. #13
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    Have you tried adjusting the magazine retaining clip i.e. Cock the bolt, loosen screws on retaining clip, put the magazine in, close the bolt, and retighten screws. Rog

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog5 View Post
    Have you tried adjusting the magazine retaining clip i.e. Cock the bolt, loosen screws on retaining clip, put the magazine in, close the bolt, and retighten screws. Rog
    Not tried that. What difference will that make?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by WILBA View Post
    Not tried that. What difference will that make?
    If your magazine is not lined up correctly the indexer can't push the magazine round, by doing it the way I say it should line up, and work ok, hope that explains it. Rog

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