I am reversing my previous comment regarding price because I was working on £1200 not £900. Bearing in mind the current prices of decent- but not outstanding- precharges as well as quality springers like the Pro Sport, £900 doesn't seem too bad if it works well. Although the long cocking lever might not be as pleasing to the eye as a shorter one, as a previous owner of a Park RH93 I found its short lever a real effort and the double/triple cock needed for the Whiscombe was beyond irritation. So much so that if I had kept the Park (it was right handed so I swapped it with a clubmate for a nice TX200SR with a lovely early CS1000 left handed stock) I was about to make up a cocking lever extension along the lines of the BSA Scorpion pistol. The cocking really was tricky on the Park and anything that helped in cocking the new rifle has to be good, Anything that makes cocking easier will mean that the rifle will get used and not just stroked. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing one later in the year and good luck to all involved.