Quote Originally Posted by le frelon View Post
Just wondering if this might not be an example of Martin Herrick's work. On here several years ago, 2014 and possibly later, posted as the 'Stockmaker' I think.
Any one else remember him?
This is exactly the sort of thing he makes. Usually a rimfire/centre fire converted to C02. The barrel repositioning and the Giffard mechanism, (he bought lots of Giffard bits at an antiques market, very cheaply, in Hungary. As you do!) have his name all over them.
Will try to dig out some photos that he sent me of one he made if I can remember which computer and where I left them!
A particularly well made pistol conversion also springs to mind with amazing finishes to the metal work.

There were several threads on the legality of what these would be classed as when he offered one for sale.

Or I could be wrong of course!!

Carl - I have to admit to being really intrigued as to what some of Mr Herrick's conversions look like. Did you manage to find any of the photos you were referring to?

I love the whole concept of conversion, and repurposing. That's why this beautiful rifle kindly shared by clank has got me thinking about how or where i would even begin to build something like this.

If you don't know Theo Hegman's work - a man whose rifles are all 'ONE-OFF' unique builds - then check out the link below. His are all quite extraordinary:

He also very kindly includes expanded details on each of the examples here (the expanded links are usually 'blue text')....
....with outline design drawings to show you how they work. I really like his work which is mostly pcp, although he does include one called The CHIPMUNK which is one of the few 'springers' he has shown here. Two springs... innovative design... just gorgeous: