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Thread: New Co2 Pistol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    New Co2 Pistol

    Hi All,

    I am considering buying a new air pistol, I have done some search around this forum but have some specific requirement and features I would like.

    I have been looking at C02 as these seem get me the most for my money, my budget is around ~£130. Broadly speaking how do people feel about this statement, is this a fair assumption?

    With the above in mind I would also like it to be quite efficient on C02 cartridges, I have heard that a single cartridge can last between 30-200 shots. If I would like more shots per cart. I should steer well clear of gas blow back pistols.

    I'm not entirely against a single shot pistol but something with 8-10~ shots per clip/revolver would be nice.

    I would like to use it for target shooting so something as accurate as possible for the money.

    With the above considered is there any particular models which come to mind, do you think i'm being realistic considering my budget?

    Can anyone give any guide lines for how many shots per CO2 cartridge I can expect for a few different styles/typical designs?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Hi Mark.
    You're right that blowback pistols don't tend to get many shots per capsule. Typically around 40. There are also "half blowback" types which get around double or even well over 100. These tend to be mostly bb guns which have smoothbore barrels and are not as accurate as a rifled barrel which shoots pellets.
    You seem like you're leaning towards a revolver and you'll get the most efficient use of gas plus multi shot capabilities.
    There are lots of fine revolvers around and your choice will largely depend on your taste.
    Modern styles like the Dan Wesson 715 are well made and accurate and can just about be picked up inside your budget.
    For older styles like the Colt SAA and Schofield you'll need to go up to £170-£200. You could always consider used of course.
    A personal recommendation would be the Crosman 357 or its updated version the Vigilante. You'll get a proper rifled barrel and fully adjustable sights. The only downside (for some) is a plastic barrel shroud and only the front part of the cylinder rotates. They're very accurate though and a joy to shoot. You'll get around 80 shots per capsule and will shoot pellets and bb's.
    For single shot I'd highly recommend the CP1 pistol. These can be bought from Poland for less than £70 and are very accurate. There's a version with a rotary magazine but I wouldn't bother with that as it doesn't work well. Only about 40 shots per capsule but they're a powerful pistol.
    Hope you find something which suits.

  3. #3
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    Aug 2013

    CO2 Multishot

    Umerex S&W 586-6

    End of, close thread, thank you and good night!

    OK, I'll expand:
    - 10 shot PELLET revolver
    - Solid construction/long lasting
    - Accurate with ajustable sights
    - Nice trigger (for a revolver)
    - Respected and used for informal target shooting
    - Fair fps
    - Fair shot count (less important than other aspects)
    - Can accommodate red dots (need Umerex rail)
    - Can accommodate different barrel lengths
    - Fits your budget (for a used one)
    - Fun to shoot!

    (Agree with AdeC, the C357 and CP1 are great value and good performers).
    Last edited by Aimstraight; 22-02-2018 at 08:07 PM.
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  4. #4
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    Beat me to it Aimstraight. 586 fits Markus' criteria without question.
    I would add that extra magazines are readily available (NOT the case with many many other pistols). It will easily get 50 shots from a caplet, but be aware that the faster you fire you less shots you get.
    Downside for some is that it has a large grip. Second hand it's within budget, new would be a bit more.
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  5. #5
    Tony.T's Avatar
    Tony.T is offline For vicious attack Pasties, 177, 22 or 12bore?
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    Markus- don't ignore the Crosman 2240 or 1740 (had no experience of those but people seem happy with them)

    Single shot pellet pistols, very accurate and gas efficient. The great thing about them is that everyone and his dog makes tuning/customising parts for them. Have a google, and a search on here. They can become a hobby unto themselves (he says from happy experience!)

    Just one word of warning- get a chrono because it's really easy to get one of these waaaay beyond legal limit for an air pistol

    I'd never get rid of mine
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimstraight View Post
    Umerex S&W 586-6

    End of, close thread, thank you and good night!

    OK, I'll expand:
    - 10 shot PELLET revolver
    - Solid construction/long lasting
    - Accurate with ajustable sights
    - Nice trigger (for a revolver)
    - Respected and used for informal target shooting
    - Fair fps
    - Fair shot count (less important than other aspects)
    - Can accommodate red dots (need Umerex rail)
    - Can accommodate different barrel lengths
    - Fits your budget (for a used one)
    - Fun to shoot!

    (Agree with AdeC, the C357 and CP1 are great value and good performers).
    I have one of these and they are superb but probably over the required budget. If you could bear having a single shot and ditch the C02 idea could I recommend the Weihrauch HW40 single stroke pneumatic. I also have one of these and for around £140 - £150 you get quality, accurate and self sufficient pistol. Absolutely superb in my opinion!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by markus2066 View Post
    Hi All,

    I am considering buying a new air pistol, I have done some search around this forum but have some specific requirement and features I would like.

    I have been looking at C02 as these seem get me the most for my money, my budget is around ~£130. Broadly speaking how do people feel about this statement, is this a fair assumption?

    With the above in mind I would also like it to be quite efficient on C02 cartridges, I have heard that a single cartridge can last between 30-200 shots. If I would like more shots per cart. I should steer well clear of gas blow back pistols.

    I'm not entirely against a single shot pistol but something with 8-10~ shots per clip/revolver would be nice.

    I would like to use it for target shooting so something as accurate as possible for the money.

    With the above considered is there any particular models which come to mind, do you think i'm being realistic considering my budget?

    Can anyone give any guide lines for how many shots per CO2 cartridge I can expect for a few different styles/typical designs?

    Thanks in advance

    I've been through this myself recently and have bought both pellet and blowback BB pistols. Either can be used for target
    shooting. Some will obviously perform better than others.
    Your budget will get you one of the decent blowback pistols and if you go secondhand I'd consider Umarex's Walther CP88, Beretta 92FS, or Colt 1911A1 all 8 shot pellet firers and all serviceable with good spares backup.
    Plenty of good friendly advice on here
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  8. #8
    Tony.T's Avatar
    Tony.T is offline For vicious attack Pasties, 177, 22 or 12bore?
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    following on from my post- there's a tidy 2240 for sale in the sale section.....
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  9. #9
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    I would add that a 2240 is an excellent starting point, very cheap to buy, powerful, accurate and will last you forever.
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  10. #10
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    Feb 2018
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for all of your replies and great recommendations.

    I am definitely keen to get something with a rifled barrel with pellets, I had tbh just assumed parts wouldn't be an issue for any of the main brands but this would be an important consideration as I would like it to last and be serviceable.

    The Vigilante does look really cool and seems excellent value and very versatile, although plastic does put me off slightly.

    The Smith & Wesson 586 6 does look very solid and I do like the idea of being able to adapt sights and barrels should I feel the need in future. The magazines being readily available also sounds great

    I was leaning away from a single shot pistol but looking at it I am now quite interested in the 2240 I do like the sound of the tuning and customisation options as I am a bit of a tinkerer, they are also very cheap and doesn't look like there is much to go wrong. Is anyone able to give me a figure of shots per cylinder for this?

    Once I have enough posts i'll check the for sale section for the 2240 you mention Tony.T, out of interest do you recall how much is going for?

    Also thanks for the advice on getting it chrono'ed, generally speaking how do "most" pistols stand up to the limit do many fall well below or sit around a safe 5.5 or something?

    Upon reflection I do think a single shot bolt action would be nice and easy to reload and remove the temptation to go nuts and shoot like crazy and go through lots of canisters and pellets......

    Thanks again everyone

  11. #11
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    Most pistols (bar the C2240) are well below the 6 ft.lbs mark. The C2240 is inexpensive. The trigger is basic and creaky, but very easy to improve with fine emery, moly grease and tweak to the trigger spring. The power can be reduced with a weaker hammer spring, you will get more shots from a bulb. You could fit a power adjuster (which acts on the hammer spring) in combination with a weaker hammer spring to give you the ability to fine tune tweak the power (must make sure that it can not go over the limit when set at the max spring tension). Problox on the top allow you to fit a red dot or other optics.

    The C2240 in sales has extras (wood grips, problox, shoulder stock) so is above a typical used price.
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  12. #12
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    Quote Originally Posted by markus2066 View Post
    I was leaning away from a single shot pistol but looking at it I am now quite interested in the 2240 I do like the sound of the tuning and customisation options as I am a bit of a tinkerer, they are also very cheap and doesn't look like there is much to go wrong. Is anyone able to give me a figure of shots per cylinder for this?

    Once I have enough posts i'll check the for sale section for the 2240 you mention Tony.T, out of interest do you recall how much is going for?

    Also thanks for the advice on getting it chrono'ed, generally speaking how do "most" pistols stand up to the limit do many fall well below or sit around a safe 5.5 or something?

    Upon reflection I do think a single shot bolt action would be nice and easy to reload and remove the temptation to go nuts and shoot like crazy and go through lots of canisters and pellets......

    Thanks again everyone
    Ok - the bog standard 2240 is quite cheap, but once you start adding bits to it and customising it, the costs can spiral wildly out of control, to the point where you could have bought a very good quality target pistol instead. For some (like me!) the modding is all part of the fun so I don't mind so much that I have ended up with some very expensive CO2 guns. If you are a practical sort who likes to tinker then it may be for you. If you are looking for a solid single investment then it may not. I have to disagree with Aimstraight in that I think the problox are absolute crap. The only sensible way of geting a scope or red dot on a 2240 is to buy a metal breech, which incurs further expense. Standard metal breech and new probe will run you about £50. Multishot breech the best part of £100. 2240 triggers are also crap as standard, sorting that out is going to cost you extra.

    Don't get me wrong, I have three 22xx guns and am currently building a fourth, but it does not represent value for money; you really need to know what you're letting yourself in for.

    The new CP1 is basically a re-engineered 2240, but with proper sights and rails, and an acceptable trigger from the get-go.

    As far as power goes, nearly all of the revolver type multishots (including the umarex 1911 and CP88, because internally they are revolvers) are quite low powered. 3 ft/lb would be very good for them. But that's not really what they are all about.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by markus2066 View Post

    The Vigilante does look really cool and seems excellent value and very versatile, although plastic does put me off slightly.
    the Vigilante does look cool......however, another great chap on here (TONYL) who may see this and comment, recently purchased one and sold it on which I believe was due to inaccuracy/inconsistency. Worth doing a bit more research. I have a Walther CP99 which is pretty accurate and you get around 70-80 shots per capsule.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyebull View Post
    .... I have to disagree with Aimstraight in that I think the problox are absolute crap......
    I didn't say that they are any good . Agreed the basic item is not stable, but with a bit of engineering (decent screws and metal shim at the top) they can be made to work, perfectly acceptable for a casual plink. I am not one for splashing out on the steel breach
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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up

    Hi All,

    Sorry about the late reply I've had quite a busy weekend away.

    I do really like the look of the CP1 they do seem really great value, does anyone else know anything about being able to get them for £70 from Poland as mentioned by AdeC at the beginning of this thread? Its interesting to see there are quite a few variants on this also (CP1-M and PCP version). Does anyone know the difference between the CP1 and CP1-M?

    Reading about the CP1 there is talk of some being made in China, did manufacturing move there or are these just cheap replicas? Is there anything I should watch out for while shopping for one of these?

    The CP1 sounds like a much better standard gun for a little more money I also seems much easier to get a 177 version which I think I would prefer.

    Reading around the forum it does seem like there are things I could play with on the CP1 should I feel the need to tinker with it in future. I have dome some googling and can see some mentions of trigger kits etc, can anyone recommend a supplier of any mods/spares for these if they exist?

    Thanks for sharing TONYL's experience of the Vigilante MikeHW45

    Thanks Guys

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