If the NSRA cannot help to save this club then their target of gaining a 5% growth in members this year (NSRA On Target magazine Autumn 2017) will be seriously weakened and other new clubs could be discouraged from joining.
What would you want the NSRA to do, bearing in mind that don’t have any (or many) votes in Norwich? I would hope that the club contacted the Association as soon as they were advised of the termination of the lease, told them what action they were taking and asked for advice. But in all honesty, reading what they have done there is little more that could have been done. The legal avenues appear to have been explored and they have done their best to argue their case but this seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Maybe they should approach British Shooting to try and garner support for the GB representative aspect, maybe they have already done this.

One could also imagine that they might have been in a slightly stronger position had they taken the time to register as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC). It wouldn’t have done any harm.

Whilst NGBs can offer support and advice, in truth there is little they can achieve in practical terms. Have you ever heard of the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA) managing to get a pool closure stopped?

NGBs will offer support, even if it is just to confirm that you’re already doing the right things, but they can’t offer much more; any of them. The moral of the story is, if you don’t own your own property it must be your aim to do so.
