I wish you every success with your venture. I take it you are limiting yourself to the pcps? It would be wonderful to have a definitive text on all the AA rifles, including the forerunner of AA/NSP (?) and the spring offerings. Something along the lines of the Webley book.
My first pcp was an SM100, bought new just for plinking, with silencer. I kept it for maybe 2 years then sold it for various reasons including a neighbour shouting '***** off to Bosnia' at me through the fence (the fence was 6ft high and extended 40 yards down the garden) and the fact that getting my bottle filled was a hassle as there were no places in Cambridge area in those days ... nearest was Newmarket. But a lovely rifle and maybe I now regret selling it.
Cheers and, once again, good luck.
I look forward to your future offerings.
Cheers, Phil