Well after getting new parts for the safety I thought no time like the present so took out the old safety ,easy knew there would be a spring and possibly a small ball bearing so had a small magnet to hand for holding the small bits securely , replaced the largest of the two pieces put in the spring and a well greased ball bearing on to and with fingernail pressure started to lower the spring and ball bearing in place when all of a sudden POW the ball bearing aided by a compressed spring shot out from under my nail ricocheting around my workshop never to be seen again, or so I thought so ordered another as being so small I had nothing in my collection of bits like it.
So a few days have passed and being the weekend not expecting a delivery until next week, made sure all the parts were safely put to one side and doing something totally unrelated I needed to get a pair of steps to reach a jar of screws from on top of a cupboard and low and behold shining in the sunlight coming through the window was the tiny ball bearing stuck by the grease that I had applied so as to lubricate it and cleverly thinking it would stay in place until it was finally where it belonged ,Well that will teach me, anyway not making that mistake again I used the magnet on the shaft of an electrical screwdriver and hey presto job done, big smiley face.
And now a very happy hour passed new co2 cylinder tin of Air Arms Superdome .177 pellets a target placed at the end of the workshop with a piece of padding on top of the steps I proceeded to have an immense amount of fun plinking and was pleasantly surprised to hit my target repeatedly, what a lovely pistol looks and feels like a proper pistol should.