Hi all,

You may have seen the post on here with someone points out a couple of old bell targets on flebay.

Well I went and won the Lincoln Jeffries target. Someone posted a link to an airgun magazine and it does match the picture of the one on there, though more heavily rusted.

It came today and boy, saying its rusty would be an understatement!

I have set about getting rid of the rust, or as much as i can. The rear plate has heavily rusted and seems to be quite thin and flimsy. But it is still sturdy and I think a nice amount of elbow grease and a file to smooth the edges will do the job nicely.

The bell is in good condition and still makes a nice 'ding' when hit, well it is just a bell so there is not much that can go wrong....

The worst of it is on the face. You can barley see the scoring markings. I have one hell of a job to get this looking pretty again but I am keen on it!

Ill keep this thread updated with any news about the restoration process.

Quick question though.... All the examples I have seen have been rusty. Were these originally painted or just bare metal?

