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Thread: Analysing shot targets and finding the "smallest circle".

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Crawley, West Sussex, UK

    Analysing shot targets and finding the "smallest circle".

    Note : this post is also listed in the BBS "Target Shooting Section" : I'm after a quick and easy way of taking Excel data in the form of x and y columns of position of individual shot placement on a Target and coming up with the diameter of the smallest circle that will encompass them all. Is there anything that can be done directly using Excel, or if not, any free Software that is easy to download and use that I can put the coordinates into and get the right answer.

    Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.

    Vic Thompson.
    Last edited by Vic Thompson; 25-05-2018 at 06:55 PM.

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