I am definitely going to be doing this again to raise money and connect with all you really lovely people. Especially Jean Great Rex xxxxxxx thanks to Jean, Charles for all that you guys do to make this possible. And of course my awesome official carer Steve Edmundson for carrying me score wise and not giving up on me and going back to bed as this is the one shoot where my brain does not want to register my wake up alarm. What a superb venue, there are not that many places that cover their pegs with nettles and make you climb mountains, it's a masochists dream x[/QUOTE]

I had nothing to do with it Rex, other than sit next to Charles and write down wot he dictated!!!!! Very well done on the grand sum you prised out of people!!! No mention of the crying in my hanky when you passed me over for Steve Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like to add my congratulations to all the winners, and to Biggles for the excellent photos.

Most of all, the congratulations go to Charles, not only for sorting the course with the Oakie helpers, but to organising the event. Not forgetting Isabel, Helene and Paul for feeding and watering us throughout the day.

Great sum raised for such a good cause, roll on the next Cancervive shoot!