Quote Originally Posted by RobF View Post
What indoor disciplines have a power limit?
I don't believe they do. But many indoor, especially club, 10M ranges are set up for .177" rifles at under 6 ft-lbs or .177" pistols at 2-3. They very often have formal or informal restrictions on either power or calibre, or both, because they don't want some bloke turning up with a .25" Rapid Seven and blatting their backstops and target holders to bits.

For example, the last time I was on a club 10M match pistol range, the range rules specified .177" wadcutters only. I think if I'd turned up with a 5.9 ft/lbs pistol, even shooting .177" wadcutters, the club officials would probably have made it clear that I was not obeying the spirit of the rules and would I please go away and take that big noisy denty thing with me and come back with a proper match pistol.