Quote Originally Posted by MikeHW45 View Post
Paul......You're a Field target trophy man. Have you found them to be to tight in any of your barrels? I've spent a bit of time over the weekend testing pellets in each rifle properly and the underlevers like AA Diablo fields and the Break barrels most definitely prefer FTT's. Is this something you've found too? Interestingly in the TX200 .22 the difference between FTT's and AA's was over 2ft lb on the chrono.
Not the FTT’s Mike, my rifles that like them fit well. My HW95 that likes AA DF’s are actually quite loose, which always kind of concerns me but.... they are so bloomin’ accurate. I sometimes think a bit of ‘slack’ is a good thing as I assume the skirt must expand and fit the barrel perfectly ??

Now, I don’t want to get into the technicalities of the coefficients and sciences of ballistic qualities of pellet designs cos I’m in danger of getting just sooo deep that it may blow peoples minds

I’m thinking of starting up my Worldwide Airgun New Knowledge Enticing Review website