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Thread: Theoben .22 evolution fac question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Theoben .22 evolution fac question

    Hi again all
    I was wrong again rifle is a evo.

    How can I tell if a evolution I have just bought at auction is registered as fac ?
    The auction house made no mention of it, but as I left they asked me how can I tell if it is sub 12ftlbs and this has set my alarm bells ringing.
    Is there a list of theoben air I can check number against ?
    Serial number is TR 12683.

    Thanks for all previous assistance and for any more now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    That is a very alarming question!

    You can ask the local licensing dept to check, however if it is a registered S1 firearm you are in trouble!

    If the seller (who may or may not have an RFD) have sold you a S1 firearm then the offence for them in selling a firearm to someone without authority to posses may land someone in prison!

    If the gun was part of an estate then I suspect licensing would have been notified of the death of the certificate holder and it would have been placed with the correct authorised holder.

    It would be very unlikely that it is a S1 I suspect, a safer option is to take it to a shop that has a chrono and explain asking them to check it! no gun is worth breaking the law for at any cost, they could at least hold it for you legally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Think your getting a bit confused mate. Serial should start tb also it sounds from your previous description it’s a scirocco 2000 there was one in an auction on Monday but was bid in person only, they only did the 2000 in 12ftlb from memory.

    Would chrono it and then you will know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Theoben evo fac ?

    Thanks for making me reassured guys.
    I have finally managed to chrono today and is doing 11.75ftlbs on 15.9 grain, but still doubt in head as to comments
    when collected.
    I have emailed impact airifles to see if they have it on a list as fac.

    I must admit i have bought quite .a few rifles from auction and never thought I could I could be buying fac when not stated in description.
    I will certainly be asking that question in future.

    Auction house had actually listed as sarocco and only shown photo of what I would say was mid section of rifle, so there was not much to go on, but they were very shifty after payment and that made me think worst.

    You chaps are tops, knowledge beats all.....

    Apart from eggs.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    near rotterdam,netherlands
    were there even any evolutions in fac trim?? thought it was designed for 12ftp

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by hwtyger View Post
    were there even any evolutions in fac trim?? thought it was designed for 12ftp
    No don’t think so, they had the crusader for fac power levels

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hwtyger View Post
    were there even any evolutions in fac trim?? thought it was designed for 12ftp
    Yes, there were a small number and I think even a handful of FAC Fenmans, the Evos running at up to 18ftlbs (I assume with the longer barrel). I think they mostly had “profile” stocks.

    The chance that an FAC version of a gun where 99% were made at sub-12 has somehow slipped outside the licensing system in recent years is very very unlikely - even more so when it chronos below 12.

    I suspect the auction house guy was simply saying something equivalent to “you might want to check the power, just to be on the safe side”. Which is good advice with any used full power sub-12 air rifle.

    And, who knows, maybe he test-fired it on the sly, experienced the sharp gas-ram firing cycle for the first time and thought “cor, that’s got a bit more poke than the BSA Meteor I had as a kid”.

    Really, John, don’t sweat this one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Even though it produces below 12 ft/lbs it doesnt mean that it is not registered as a section one firearm. There must be a national firearms register? Worth checking with your local firearms licencing department if you are still concerned.

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