
From my (and many other chappies I have known) experiences - a very rough rule of thumb :

After a hestitant start, the initial improvement is rapid to ca. 80 - 85 %.

Improvement to ca. 85 - 90 % is slower, but steady.

Improvement from 90 % on is a slog, and much dedication and practice is needed - put in the effort, and you will be rewarded

There is an empirical rule that applies to many things on how long it takes to be very good indeed - 10,000 hours seems to be the magic number.

So, after 10,000 hours of useful practice, you should be very good indeed

There is a chappie here on 'BBS (Mr. Robin Carter), and he is a font of wisdom WRT target shooting & coaching shooting sports. His wife is an exceptionally talented shooter, who has represented Great Britain internationally.

I highly recommend you buy his most excellent book 'Air Rifle Target Shooting', available here :

Have fun

Best regards
