I have been having a go at bell target recently with my rejuvenated Haenel 303-S, but it almost feels like cheating by using dioptre sights! I had a go with a more traditional style rifle this week, and became interested in the challenge of ringing the bell with something closer to the original type of gun that the sport started with.
Having a look on the Web, the older, under-lever BSA rifles seem to look the part, but I could not find much about the model variants, ages etc.
I would like any advice about this style of rifle with the goal of buying one in the next few months. I don't want an immaculate collectors item with all the provenance; just something that works as it should and is not too scruffy, enough for a nice bit of character, maybe.
I don't know what budget I have yet, I am happy to wait and save up for the right thing, but think I would struggle to justify much over £200 to myself for an 'informal shooter'.