I've just been looking through the for sales and read quite a few post from buyers saying the travelling is too far for them, why? Just get in your car, turn your brain off and drive! Whats one day compared to the time you'd own it and enjoy it?

I used to fly model helicopters, did it for 12 years all over the country. For a model I wanted (just as fragile and hard to post as a gun) I'd drive for hours. Then you get it in the field for a few months and as model heli's do, crash it eventually ! I can tell you, crashing a 2k model heli is sole destroying and then it's almost worthless for many reasons. I'd fix it and get back flying it until the next bump, thats what you do, thats the hobby.

Guns are not like model heli's cos they don't fall out the sky and destroy them selfs! You shoot them for months or years and sell them on for almost no loss, wheres the problem, it's a hobby. The money you spent on fuel to collect is nothing when you divide it up over the hours you'd been shooting the 'collected gun'. The 'I've no time to collect' argument is also rubbish, you got the time to shoot the thing but no time to travel to get !!

I am of coarse assuming you'd be buying something rare or hard to find!

If the travelling really is a problem, make it a weekend thing, maybe with mates. Look up the local camp site and shooting club in the area you'd be collecting and turn it into a 'trip'. It's amazing how people think these days, it's no wonder hobbies are struggling.

Just my thoughts on travelling coming from someone how travelled thousands of miles for their old hobby, nothing personal.