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Thread: Pellet scale

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales

    Pellet scale

    Hi All,

    I have a set called 'On Balance 150g', I'm not overly happy with it as it keeps changing it's mind. One minute it says 8.4g then weight it again and says it's 8g, and so on !!!!

    Can anybody recommend a reliable pellet scale and where to buy?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I'm guessing you mean 8.4gn rather than 8.4g

    It's no different to you standing on a scale - move a bit & your weight will "change", move the pellet a bit & the force pressing on the pad under the tray will change.
    Try marking a 5mm circle dead centre of the tray & always put the pellet on the mark.
    In practical terms I doubt 1 or 2 10ths of a gn will make any appreciable difference, unless you shoot to international level.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Monmouth, Land of Wales.
    I take it you mean gr rather than gn

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    In general, for the 'less-expensive' end, scales that weigh to 20 or 50 grams are a bit better in terms of resolution, than those that weigh to 200 grams

    Even the 20 gram scales are not really good enough for single 0.177" pellets, or to check pellet to pellet variations.

    They are however fine for getting an estimate of average pellet weights - weigh 50 or 100 pellets, then divide the found weight by 50 or 100.

    Have a peek on Amazon for 20 gram 'jewellery' scales - there are a number (mostly the same scale).

    Have fun & a good weekend

    Best regards


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    This might not be the problem you have, but it's worth mentioning. Make sure your cellphone (and anything else which transmits eg wifi, bluetooth) is well away from the scales. A few years ago I was weighing titanium fasteners for a project and I noticed that the scales often read wrong when there was a cellphone within 8-10' of them. Not far enough wrong to be an obvious rogue reading but far enough wrong to screw up the results. Tried 4 sets of scales, got exactly the same type of errors on everything from a £25 pocket scale to a £1500 pharmacist's lab balance, the only difference was that the pharmacist's balance needed the phone within about 2-3' before the problem started.

  6. #6
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
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    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by YorkshireDave View Post
    This might not be the problem you have, but it's worth mentioning. Make sure your cellphone (and anything else which transmits eg wifi, bluetooth) is well away from the scales. A few years ago I was weighing titanium fasteners for a project and I noticed that the scales often read wrong when there was a cellphone within 8-10' of them. Not far enough wrong to be an obvious rogue reading but far enough wrong to screw up the results. Tried 4 sets of scales, got exactly the same type of errors on everything from a £25 pocket scale to a £1500 pharmacist's lab balance, the only difference was that the pharmacist's balance needed the phone within about 2-3' before the problem started.
    Do you have a reason for this??

    Because that explains when I was using my scales downstairs they was being funny when I used my phone for the calculator.

    But upstairs I use a normal calculator and they are fine.
    Master Debater

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales
    Oddly in the winter, when I placed my hand over (not touching) the scale, it increased the weight
    Doesn't do it now the weather is warmer !?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Murphy View Post
    Do you have a reason for this??

    Because that explains when I was using my scales downstairs they was being funny when I used my phone for the calculator.

    But upstairs I use a normal calculator and they are fine.

    Phones emit RF energy, some circuits are sensitive to interference. It makes sense that scales can be very sensitive to interference, they're a circuit measuring tiny little changes in a strain gauge, the finer the reading of the scales the more a bit of stray radio frequency energy can muck up their readings. If the scales were better shielded they might be able to overcome the interference, anything with metal casings connected to earth has a far better chance of rejecting RF interference, but that generally means having a 3 core mains cable plugged in, might be possible on expensive laboratory scales but not realistic on a plastic-cased lightweight pocket scale.

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