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Thread: 10m home range project.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
    Absolutely superb!!!

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Thats excellent, well done sir!

    How's the noise / echo when you fire down the tunnel?
    Id imagine there would be some noise if you're firing an unmoderated rifle, are you going to carpet the inside to try and deaden the sound to be more neighbour friendly?

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    My Mrs would go ballistic ( see what I did there ) if I built that in the garden.

    Hope your neighbours are nice !

    Great effort though.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales
    I will be adding a bit more 2x1 around the tunnel so I can put external uPVC T&G on it. That will give me a 2" gap allaround the tunnel that will be filled with this stuff

    So that will keep the heat out and deaden the sound well. On the floor of the tunnel will be a full layer of white carpet. Don't forget the uPVC will also help kill the sound. The shed will be lined with 1" foam and 6mm ply or MDF depending on price.

    The whizzers will go on the roof and the targets will hang from the cord.

    We own our house and the neigbours can't say anything as the pellets can't leave the confines of the range, they can't see anything, the range is only 6" above an already low fence that WE own and they will not be able to hear anything either.

    I'm sure plod or the concil will be made aware of it when some of our suronding bitchy neighbours get pissed as they often do around here, but there is nothing anybody can do about it. The worst guy in the street used to be my direct neighbour, and he would have complained, but he left about 18 months ago, thank God!!

    My wife wife doesn't care about the range in the slightest, she doesn't spend any time in the garden, never has. My youngest daughter (who is disabled) will be using the range to practice her 10m rifle off a spring, so if she is using it, it's all good

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Looks fantastic.

    I showed the photos to my wife who said, "why don't you build something like that in our garden".

    I just wish I had the skills/abilities to do it!



  6. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by mjoseph View Post
    Looks fantastic.

    I showed the photos to my wife who said, "why don't you build something like that in our garden".

    I just wish I had the skills/abilities to do it!


    I'd make it if I were you. You can buy ply in 4x2 sheets. Just buy a load, screw it together with 2x2 in the corners and bung a load of shed roof felt over it. Then just by a 4x6 shed. the posts are only 18" in the ground and bung some postcreat in the hole. It really isn't all that hard.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Sounds simple when you say it like that.

    But trust me, my DIY skills are appalling. I tried to put a curtain pole up today, I now have several holes in the wall.

    I'm lucky that I have a very understanding wife, she just said "I'm not really that bothered about having any curtains up".



  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I must admit when I first saw this my initial reaction was WTF. I think was based on the idea of a 10m long galv duct running down the garden.
    However, reading the thread start to finish, and seeing the thought that has gone into it, I’m impressed, it’s a quality job. Also good to read your daughter will enjoy using it.

    It seems like you have the design well covered, and apologies if I have missed it, but how do you intend to deal with standing water/drainage from the top? That can very quickly start growing things and looking ratty.

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    Newport, South Wales
    It will have a uPVC T&G shallow pitched roof. If you look carefully, you will see the there is a 6" gap between the galv and the shed roof. The pitch will take up this height. Each side of the pitch will be about 475mm over a 6" pitch, so quite a good slope for water. The T&G will run downwards on the roof and horizontal for the sides.

    I have given much thought to making the clading and sound proofing with other materials, but the Wicks sound proofing and uPVC seems the best way to go for longevity and function.

    Over the next few days, I'll find the best price and carry out the work. My day job is going to get bussy from now on, so you'll have to bear with me.

    There is a well thought out plan for every part of the build, nothing is to chance.
    Last edited by MrChipShoulder; 26-09-2018 at 09:21 AM.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    You've certainly put a lot of work into the design as well as the building of it and it looks great so far,
    with what you describe it will look even better, I can't wait to watch more of the progress...
    The neighbours can take a hike, you've done far more than most would have to keep the noise level down.

    Even better that your daughter will get use out of it too, definite win win situation

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales
    I've now bought 15 lengths of 300mm uPVC cladding, a roll of sound proofing, spray glue and was given a load of carpet off cuts to stick on the outside surface of the metal tube to damp the initial resonance. Pics to follow when it goes on.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Have you had any comments from the neighbors yet

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Newport, South Wales
    Nothing 'yet'!

    I'm off over the Police station tomorrow morning to hand in our FAC applications. So that will mean I will get a home visit from Mr Police Man at some point, I will show him the range at that time and at least the Police will know.

    There is no grounds to complain as the noise will be almost nothing. The structure is not seen from almost all angles because of trees etc and planing is not needed. It's about 8" above our fence, but the fence is about 6" under max height, but next doors ground is about 12" higher than ours, so really, I could lift our fence up at least another 12" by fitting new panels. That would cover the range complealty from the direct neighbors.

  14. #59
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quigley Hollow, Nuneaton
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbeam View Post

    I'm off over the Police station tomorrow morning to hand in our FAC applications. So that will mean I will get a home visit from Mr Police Man at some point, I will show him the range at that time and at least the Police will know.
    It doesn't quite work like that, Rob.

    The firearms department seems to work independently of the Police, when I set up Quigley Hollow I had to talk to both my FAO and the local Police as the two are separate entities.

    All the best Mick.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbeam View Post
    Nothing 'yet'!

    I'm off over the Police station tomorrow morning to hand in our FAC applications. So that will mean I will get a home visit from Mr Police Man at some point, I will show him the range at that time and at least the Police will know.

    There is no grounds to complain as the noise will be almost nothing. The structure is not seen from almost all angles because of trees etc and planing is not needed. It's about 8" above our fence, but the fence is about 6" under max height, but next doors ground is about 12" higher than ours, so really, I could lift our fence up at least another 12" by fitting new panels. That would cover the range complealty from the direct neighbors.

    Did you check with the council re erecting a permanent structure ?

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