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Thread: Original 50 Typ 01

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Original 50 Typ 01

    While I regard the O45 and O50 very highly, my experience with the Typ 01 doesn't quite hit the mark. My own Typ 01 is very smooth its accuracy is only average. My friends 01 kicks like a horse downhill but is very accurate. Both fall short of a good 45 or 50. Considering the 01 is effectively a a hybrid 45/50 it doesn't appear to offer the best of both...
    Who's got experience of the model? And who's got one that does the business?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Pontypridd South Wales uk
    Quote Originally Posted by Drew451 View Post
    While I regard the O45 and O50 very highly, my experience with the Typ 01 doesn't quite hit the mark. My own Typ 01 is very smooth its accuracy is only average. My friends 01 kicks like a horse downhill but is very accurate. Both fall short of a good 45 or 50. Considering the 01 is effectively a a hybrid 45/50 it doesn't appear to offer the best of both...
    Who's got experience of the model? And who's got one that does the business?
    I think you have summed up the 50T01 quite well there. It promised much and delivered not a great deal. I think Diana were dining out on laurels of the earlier 50s which were indeed good rifles. I had always believed (until I obtained and compared against the early 50) that the T01 was a physically bigger gun. As in bigger/longer compression cylinder where this extra hunting power would come from. Actually there was no difference in the cylinder size and Diana simply relied on a stronger spring to get closer to the limit. I think it follows that this is the reason the under lever was extended to.provide more leverage. I cannot recall the precise chronology but obviously when the HW77 arrived the T01 was toast- on all levels.
    I must confess to being young and gullible back in the day and was very captivated by the field test done by a certain writer in AGW back in the day. The gun ticked a lot of my boxes and I found it to be a very handsome gun. Whilst there are more Stutzen type stocks around nowadays there were pretty uncommon back then and I was sold.
    My very first gun bought of this fine forum was- an Original 50T01. Not in great order and having had a hard life. However I simply had to have this gun I always lusted after in my paws.
    Fairly soon after obtained this .22 example, I sent off the piston to TR Robb and had the leather head turned off and the piston drilled and tapped for a ptfe replacement. The cylinder was de greased, all edges de burred and a synthetic guide and top hat from chambers fitted. As I was short of a spring ( and funds) at that time and old spring from a D52 was installed instead of the correctly matched spring. The gun turned out just under 9ft llbs for a number of years and I left it that way. The addition of a pro system silencer made the gun one of the quietest I've known springer wise and accuracy was good, but not excellent.
    A couple of years ago however, eager to take the gun out against live quarry I changed the spring over to a Titan. Power rose to just the right side of the limit, the firing cycle speeded up considerably. The discharge moise increased though not unacceptably so. Using the gun now is very satisfying. Recoil is a sharp but not excessive nudge in.the shoulder. It is very linear with no torque twist and at times the pellet can be seen sent on its way. In short it has become the gun that I had read that it was. Accuracy is one area that I can say has not really improved. Due to the number and type of guns I own and use I always find it wise to have a mini zeroing session to check scope shift and become accustomed to the guns characteristics. Its simply not as easy to achieve great accuracy with the gun as some more modern equivalents, despite the guns manners being more than acceptable and indeed it would put many modern guns to shame. I've often pondered why accuracy from this gun is not tip top despite the work having been done to it. I've wondered what has been put through the gun.prior ownership pellet wise and if there has been any damage done to the bore. Also if the tap is slightly mis aligned? Ultimately, it could simply be that the gun as a design is simply mot happy being pushed beyond 10ft llbs- though I have a std 50 that is up around 11.5 and that seems fine. Perhaps, the QC on these later guns was not up to the standard of early models.
    In regards to the gun doing the business yes it does as a number of grey squirrels have discovered to their cost. I limit the range I take shots at, and in that respect the gun.performs admirably and it is very satisfying to see the animal drop from lofty heights after being shot with a gun dated 08 82- two months after I left comprehensive school.
    I've currently got a .177 example in bits awaiting modifications to the piston head and fitting of a vortek synthetic seal. I will fettle the gun in.the same manner as I did the .22 over a decade ago. I am hopeful of energy up around the 10 mark as I think the tap seals a little better on this one.
    I'm not holding my breath for the claimed clover leaf groups at 40 yards that certain writers claimed, but if its as smooth as the .22 I will be more than satisfied.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Excellent post, Dave. Thanks for taking the time to relate your 01 experiences.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thanks for the detailed post. After owning an early 50 for some time, I felt that the low power to gun size ratio was unreasonable (8fpe) and eventually parted company. I thought a to1 would be an improvement and have sought one regularly, but I don't think it's the gun for me. I still think the best Diana/rws gun of its time was the 45, hunted with mine for 20 years, all thanks to john darlings review in SAR

  5. #5
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    Jul 2006

    Thumbs up

    This was my Typ01, I sold it some years ago but got the chance of it back again a few weeks ago so jumped at it!

    I'm embarrassed to say that i've not fired it yet though, It still looks like it did back when I sold it though apart for a few small dents in the forend of the stock!!

    I can recall years back it started sounding strange when fired so I stripped it to find an inch of the mainspring had snapped and screwed itself in to the rest of the spring, I bought an Ox spring and fitted it, It made it quite slammy as it needed the preload removing for smoothness of the firing cycle!

    for my gunz guitarz and bonzai, see here

  6. #6
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    Pontypridd South Wales uk
    Quote Originally Posted by johnbaz View Post
    This was my Typ01, I sold it some years ago but got the chance of it back again a few weeks ago so jumped at it!

    I'm embarrassed to say that i've not fired it yet though, It still looks like it did back when I sold it though apart for a few small dents in the forend of the stock!!

    I can recall years back it started sounding strange when fired so I stripped it to find an inch of the mainspring had snapped and screwed itself in to the rest of the spring, I bought an Ox spring and fitted it, It made it quite slammy as it needed the preload removing for smoothness of the firing cycle!

    Looking very good John. a whistle. Perhaps they don't quite have as good as looks as the std model with the fully concealed underlever, but I'm still taken with them if only from.the perspective that they never really sold in numbers for a whole host of reasons and just don't come along that often.
    Since taking delivery of a couple of vortek seals I'm half tempted to strip down mine n change over from ptfe and see how that goes. I'm not having luck in getting the piston altered for my .177 at moment.
    Nice one👍

  7. #7
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
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    It's the only air-rifle I really detest.

    Cost me a fortune, failed on me, useless design and materials.

  8. #8
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    Jonnyone's Typ 01

  9. #9
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    Pontypridd South Wales uk
    Quote Originally Posted by Drew451 View Post
    Thanks Drew.
    Yes the old girl n I took a little saunter through the woods and accounted for another two squirrels yesterday. The first a big critter caught under the chin, second with heart shot.
    As per I always check zero before the off and it was putting pellet on.pellet near as at.just over 20 yards with FTTs. A few elevated shots on some small oak leaves confirmed all well on high shots too.
    It really is a sweet performer and certainly has benefited from the work done to it. Nice n quiet with the Webley pro system too though I would think that there are quieter ones out there. There's not a great deal of action noise with the fitted guides, but it was quieter still when around the 9ft llb mark.
    Gotta love hunting with an old classic👍

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