When I finally got the LGV running nicely with a TX spring at 10.4 ft lbs it felt really pleasant, and was as accurate as my underlevers, so there was really no need to do anything more. But when Mr Tyler's second article on opening up the TP appeared I knew that sooner or later I would have to do it (never leave anything alone just because it works perfectly), and at last, today being wet and windy so I couldn't do anything outside, I steeled myself and did the deed. As so often, it did need a fair bit of care but was not nearly as difficult as I expected. I drilled it out in 0.1mm stages as deep as the drills would go, and then followed with a decent long series 3.0mm drill (actually 2.98 on my mike) to full depth and finished with a 3.00mm reamer which gave a very nice finish to the port. The whole job took under 2 hours.

The muzzle energy has jumped to 11.6 ( I shall keep an eye on it, and may take a washer out if necessary) and the feel of the firing cycle has moved from "polite" (thank you Tony) to positively sublime. I can't remember ever firing a springer with a nicer firing cycle, and all for the measly cost of £23 for a TX spring and a decent quality long series 3mm drill! Why doesn't everyone have one?

Many thanks to Mr Tyler for his articles and help when I had problems.