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Thread: Never lend a gun to a friend

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    If you lend tools don't expect them back in the condition you gave them.
    I have my tools which I never lend out. And another set I can.

    Air rifles then they all get damaged somehow. Marksmanship, and good rifle maintenance, plus safety awareness, are learnt skills. Why anyone thinks they are a Davy Crockett or Bob the Builder from birth with no training is beyond me.
    Aye, not just tools and guns, books,cd's, dvd's never get returned unless you ask for them back.
    I never lend any of these to anyone and never borrow anything from anyone, I always buy my own gear or hire some of the larger kit for one off jobs.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    yep never lend a gun to any one,

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The gun was actually built up to be used by other people, another friend of mine wanted to come and have a go at the last boinger bash, so the gun was put together from spares for him to use, even so, it did turn out quite nice tbf

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I do-
    It’s got people interested or at least turned someone onto shooting who was ‘ambivalent ‘ before
    I consider it an investment, in the future

    I bought a couple of Hatsan Breakers for this as reluctant to lend anything not ‘writable off’

    Tin bum had one as a test to see the worthwhilness of making a kit -

    It shoots better than the factory one

    Despite the crap trigger, which do wear in some with use, my missus was taking out reducers out to 25yards the other week with one.

    I don’t lend pcp’s or valuable / highly tuned rifles

    That said I do let people shoot a few rifles at a club, the last mate who did this ended up ordering an hw95 and is giving club shooting a go -

    I do think though overweight, it is hard to ‘muller’ an hw 80 ......
    Looking for TO-6 Trigger unit unmessed with or T0-6 kit for 34

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hemel hempstead
    I have had a completely 1 off experience from lending a rifle to a friend. I loaned him my ultra se and after a month or so he ended up with the bug bad and I sold it to him. With the proviso I get first dibs if he ever sells it. Prob a year later he gave me an ultra jsr in .177 as his daughter wasn’t interested in shooting. He has a collection of pistols the ultra, an aa s510 a rat catcher now. I regularly loan him my hw 99s or 97k for a couple of days. He just won’t go and buy a springer tho, but each time no issues with condition on return.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I bought two BSA R10s one for me one for my boy unfortunately for me my lad was loved up with a nice S400 so into the gun safevit went. A few months down the line a good mate who has moved away had a rat problem so being helpful I said borrow my lads spare rifle. So down the M6 he came I showed him how to use it gave him a tin of pellets and even my spare cylinder. Time moved on until the day my lad said where’s my R10 oops phoned mate very dead land line no mobile so of up the M6 I went knock knock and the door was opened by a rather large chap who in no way shape or form looked like my mate unless he was on steroids and had a permanent black tan turned out my mates wife had kicked him out and gotten a replacement in. After a nice brew and lots of where is my rifle,the empty cylinder was found half a box of pellets and sod all else. Motto of the story never lend any thing out my fault for forgetting it his fault for playing away on his other half. One day I’ll find him and my sons rifle.

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