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Thread: Airtech rifles, Deal or no deal!

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff555 View Post
    Hello, I don't know Airtech but thought I would just make a comment that when one has painted oneself into a corner, may be by taking on too much, buisness and or domestic wise, then Deperation and confusion runs rife. A breakdown usually follows.
    So I feel for Carl who I beleive needs help. I am not making excuses for his actions just standing outside looking in.
    Thats all chaps.
    All the best.
    The airgun tuning is not his main business. He should stick to one or the other if he can't handle both.

    You just have to look back at all the threads where people have asked if any one had heard from him as they have had no contact. He then comes on calling most of them liars. Bit hypocrite when he then admits he has lied to customer's . I wonder how many of the people that have stuck up for him have also been lied to and now have changed their minds ?

    Any one searching here and other forums that can see in black white how bad he is but then send their goods to him have no one to blame but theirselves when they can't get a reply or have to wait years to get their goods back.

    Perfection takes time I understand that but lying to cover that time is poor.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    its a shame really as the work ive seen him do really is nice even if Both my buddy,s guns are now leaking, nothing that a seal kit wont sought out,

    Airtech ( Carl Garbutt ) have basically cut his own throat, his threats to say 1 "a rifle is over power so inform the police, ( rifle was 770 fps with 8.4g exacts and NEW ) 2 " i wont finish your rifle if you keep trying to contact me, it will be done when its done ( took over 2 years ) " 3 " the wifes mother has passed away so im not in the country" 4 " the roof is damaged on my work shop " 5 " im not in the country for the next 4-7 weeks due to attending a funeral in china twice " 6 " im still waiting to install my new machines " 7 " my 3 phase power has blown up " 8 " i have been raided by armed police and they have taken ALL my guns away and only returned 2 ( my wifes ) " 9 " i need to get this fork lift out of my garage and repair and rebuild it (the garage)" 10 " the serial number your asking for i havn,t got so i cant find your rifle "

    please note :
    number 8,,,, Carl has admitted this was a total lie, yet he said this to his friends also,this was basically said as a stalling tactic to stop us trying to contact him to get the rifles back

    number 10,,,, when he returned my buddies rifle the first thing he noticed was the serial number was incorrect, he had the serial number on his bsa box and also had the serial number written on a repair note because when bought new the rifle developed a leak, Carl totally denied this was the serial number of the rifle he was given but did admit to his wife ( again ) moving all his in for repair rifles, he said he had no idea who,s was who,s rifle and would have to wait until people contacted him re their guns, he basically gave my buddie a gun back that was not actually his or the action was not his because the stock was his that he sent in with the rifle,

    these are just a few of the excuses that we have had from airtech ( Carl Garbutt ) and some of you will of heard these before, if you take a rifle to Airtech then do so at your own risk, his business skills are non existent,his attitude towards genuine paying customers is a disgrace and you cant guarantee getting the gun you took in back off him,

    a very sad state of affairs from someone whom calls himself an engineer, what makes me laugh is Roger is my best mate, we shoot together every week and as soon as i made a comment on this thread he was instantly on the phone to my buddie threatening myself, telling him ( Roger ) to tell me to and i quote " shut the up or else "

    my best advice to you Mr Garbutt is do not threaten anyone you dont know because one day it will come back to haunt you as this thread has done and its all your own doing, you have been PROVED to be a very dishonest RFD , you have been PROVED to be a untrustworthy RFD, your bringing shame on yourself and all whilst your poor wife sits in the background getting the blame for everything when it has now been PROVED it was you all along,

    my simple advice to all on here is simple,,,,, DONT EVER TAKE A RIFLE TO AIRTECH, if you do then you have been warned of the type of person you are dealing with and you might have to wait a long time to get your pride and joy rifle back ( if its yours ) because he might just might be burying his mother inlaw a third time

    thankyou Carl for letting people see you for what you really are

    best wishes in your future employment as a funeral director/ grave digger because you have certainly dug a big hole here

    ps, Roger wont be bringing his rifle back to you, i will personally get it sorted for him by someone whom is a real engineer

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by villaman View Post
    Talk about a witch hunt

    I got banned for less than some of the post I have read
    It's not a witch hunt, it's a very necessary discussion around a liar and a fraud who stoops low enough to claim the death of a family member to suit an agenda. You can't defend that. I think banning him was the right thing to do.

  4. #94
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff555 View Post
    Hello, I don't know Airtech but thought I would just make a comment that when one has painted oneself into a corner, may be by taking on too much, buisness and or domestic wise, then Deperation and confusion runs rife. A breakdown usually follows.
    So I feel for Carl who I beleive needs help. I am not making excuses for his actions just standing outside looking in.
    Thats all chaps.
    All the best.
    He has painted himself into a corner not by taking on too much work but by continually lying.


  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by milek View Post
    It's not a witch hunt, it's a very necessary discussion around a liar and a fraud who stoops low enough to claim the death of a family member to suit an agenda. You can't defend that. I think banning him was the right thing to do.
    Carl is banned so the thread should be closed down now instead of people carrying on slagging him off when he cant try and defend him self .
    only my opinion

  6. #96
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by villaman View Post
    Carl is banned so the thread should be closed down now instead of people carrying on slagging him off when he cant try and defend him self .
    only my opinion
    Defend himself, how the fk can you even try and defend the actions of someone defrauding the airgun community. His methods are lower than the Graham brothers. This thread should be a sticky so nobody gets stung in the future. Only my opinion.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by villaman View Post
    Talk about a witch hunt

    I got banned for less than some of the post I have read
    When I started this thread, I had no idea of any of his previous dealings. I don’t know the guy and never intended it to be a witch-hunt.

    I mistakenly thought that the item I ordered from Airtechrifles actually came from a different Atechrifles of the same address. I didn’t realise that the email I received form Airtechrifle that had Carl’s name on it was nothing to do with Airtechrifles owned by Carl. Obviously, I now understand that Airtechrifles and Airtechrifles are two totally different Airtechrifles.
    You can see how easily I might get confused.?


  8. #98
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    Mar 2015
    think yourself lucky bucketboy it was only over £16, it could have been worse mate, may i take this oppertunity in thanking you for bringing this to everyones attention, they will now be able to make up their own minds weather or not to give Airtech any buisness, i certainly hope not but how anyone can try to defent this guy is totally and utterly beyond me,

    IMO he should be stripped of his RFD licence if hes got one or is that another lie

    best wishes mate

  9. #99
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    he told everyone including myself and shooting buddie he had been raided by the police and armed at that, in his mind blowing actions in abusing someone cos they asked about their rifle he then decided to tell everyone it was as he said " i made it up " so basically it was a total lie to get people off his back asking for their rifles being returned, it is in black and white on another forum so he cannot deny this where he admits to making the story up

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by evohuntsman View Post
    he told everyone including myself and shooting buddie he had been raided by the police and armed at that, in his mind blowing actions in abusing someone cos they asked about their rifle he then decided to tell everyone it was as he said " i made it up " so basically it was a total lie to get people off his back asking for their rifles being returned, it is in black and white on another forum so he cannot deny this where he admits to making the story up
    I deleted my post but I have seen on another forum about the police raid but I got bored reading posts from people sticking up for him. Its crazy how they can do this when he has admitted lying.

  11. #101
    Join Date
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    So did the police actually raid Airtech before or not?
    I'm not trying to jump on what has been described as a witch hunt but if he's being banned and can't defend himself then the truth would be handy either way.

  12. #102
    Join Date
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    I think we have had enough of this now.
    Especially as Mr Garbett has been banned.

  13. #103
    Unframed Dave's Avatar
    Unframed Dave is offline World pork pie juggling champion three years straight
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    I'm not seeing a witch hunt. I'm seeing a customer complaint which has been bought to the attention of the airgun community and has been dealt with very badly. The obverse, I'm seeing a minority of people who may have some link to Carl coming to his defense or trying to help him. Admiral, but very much a minority.

    If you're a small business serving individual customers, you need to earn repeat business and word of mouth recommendation. This comes from loyalty and you earn it from trust.

    I was self employed in the service industries for several years and learnt very early on that things go wrong. It's inevitable. How you deal with it though is massively important and if you deal with it well, you can earn greater trust from your customers than a perfectly transacted deal. You may even come out with a touch more respect, people like honesty and they like to deal with people who demonstrate pro active qualities in dealing with a problem and ensuring it won't happen again.

    This hasn't happened and it appears to be a regular occurrence.

    My definition of a white lie and the man in questions is vastly different. I've also worked with my wife for plenty of years, it isn't always a perfect situation but our communication has been very, very close.

    Finally, hinting at legal action as a first port of call is very immature in business. Especially when you know full well you stand to look an utter twat if the other party decides to call your bluff.

    I've never called on airtechs services, but from what I've read, I won't be doing so in the future.

    Smell my cheese

  14. #104
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Yes people need to know,thanks to everyone I won’t get caught now I know ,why is there only one person sticking up for him,armed police ,two deaths of the same person,he is a liar and liars are normally cheats,his wife has a company trading under same name but nothing to do with him,he’s a rat steer clear .mike

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Unframed Dave View Post
    I'm not seeing a witch hunt. I'm seeing a customer complaint which has been bought to the attention of the airgun community and has been dealt with very badly. The obverse, I'm seeing a minority of people who may have some link to Carl coming to his defense or trying to help him. Admiral, but very much a minority.

    If you're a small business serving individual customers, you need to earn repeat business and word of mouth recommendation. This comes from loyalty and you earn it from trust.

    I was self employed in the service industries for several years and learnt very early on that things go wrong. It's inevitable. How you deal with it though is massively important and if you deal with it well, you can earn greater trust from your customers than a perfectly transacted deal. You may even come out with a touch more respect, people like honesty and they like to deal with people who demonstrate pro active qualities in dealing with a problem and ensuring it won't happen again.

    This hasn't happened and it appears to be a regular occurrence.

    My definition of a white lie and the man in questions is vastly different. I've also worked with my wife for plenty of years, it isn't always a perfect situation but our communication has been very, very close.

    Finally, hinting at legal action as a first port of call is very immature in business. Especially when you know full well you stand to look an utter twat if the other party decides to call your bluff.

    I've never called on airtechs services, but from what I've read, I won't be doing so in the future.

    Thank you.


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