Quote Originally Posted by Sunbeam View Post
Personally, I think the postal comps should have all the declared top 10% of shot targets returned to be officially scored for the final official score before the results are published. We can all do our best to score honestly, but I'd sleep better at night if I could 'unload' the scoring responsibility onto somebody else

Obviously the entrant would cover the cost of targets returned, but that should all be part of a 'Postal Comp'.
The Dorset league is club based and the scores are submitted by club officials.

Cards are called in rarely, usually when a division has a really close finish.

I'm sending you an email with a copy of one set of results so you can appreciate the scale of the competition re. sending in 10% of each round.

We do have to trust people; our club has at least 2 members involved in scoring and checking cards are signed, dated and witnessed.
