Quote Originally Posted by bezzer View Post
Probably not, I've seen in one review the carbine 12fpe .177 version has a 130bar reg and gets around 90 shots from a 250 bar fill.
I've got an HFT500 that I've carbined to the same size cylinder and barrel, regged it and it gets 98 shots at 11.4 fpe from just a 200 bar fill. Got my 400 carbine reg up to 120 shots. The Lane regs are 105 bar. If the US is 130bar then it seems far too high and not enough R&D/Testing was done to get it to it's optimum air usage and shot count.
So it's probably the same lack of R&D for the XS, takes a load of trial and testing to get an Air Arms spot on with a reg but you shouldn't have to with a production model.
A 30 ft.lbs gun uses 4X~5X as much air as that of a sub 12. I have not seen the review you have mentioned but if the REG is set to 130 for a sub 12 then something is not right, it should really be around 95~105 bar depending on the hammer preload even for a carbine barrel.