After last weeks RAGC shoot, I went for a beer with an old mate who expressed interest in coming to the club. I explained it's a realistic virtual hunting scenario, with legitimate quarry silhouettes scattered around the woods which you knock down for points. No blood is lost, only paint chips.
Three score zones.
1. Kill zone, (the round bit) 2 points
2. Wound zone, (what else would you call it)? 1 point
3. Miss zone, (everywhere else) 0 points

Then the penny dropped.

The HFT discipline represents a small game hunting scenario. It is taken seriously by many ( I see those sheriffs with score cards)
If that's what it represents, then we shouldn't be awarding points for wounding, on the contrary, we should be deducting points.

New system.

1. Kill zone, 2 points
2. Wound zone, -1 point (yes, that's a minus)
3. Miss zone 0 points

Now hold up! And calm down.


You're gonna take extra care when you take those shots, if you don't knock it down you'll lose points for wounding. You'll get better.
After all, you wouldn't shoot a rabbit up the arse 'cause you couldn't see its head, and then boast about it down the pub, would you! would you?

You may consider missing all together if you can't hit the kill zone. You'll lose less points, our quarry doesn't crawl away and die, and a latter day chivalrous person emerges.

The best bit.
Our sport is monitored,
That minuscule 2 point change will be recognised, see, we can be conscientious, and it would be good for our new shooters.
New legislations go with the times, so should we.


Some may have to increase there Ex-Lax dosage.

Others may find there “one size fits all camo thong” too large.

All comments and expletives welcome.
Watch your spelling.
