i have to say that I am all in for changing things to make it harder in some respects like small kills coming in closer, going out further but have to say that if the discussions bout limiting the up the pegs shots are to be fair. Bare in mind that us purer spring gun shooters are to be given consideration seeing as there are many of us that have been actively trying to increase the our numbers competing then remember that we are not able to shoot off the ground although there are some exceptions to that rule. Even then when we do shoot off the ground we attract a lot of criticism about it, Therefore we have to shoot up the peg from the shoulder. Please do not exclude us that dont want to shoot with 2lb of lead attached to our barrels to so we shoot them like gay guns. as for increasing positional shots, there are many with disabilities that are already disenfranchised by unsupported postionals but that is the world we entered into. don't go changing the goal posts but give us a fighting chance to man up by making them supported at least.