Ok, so I saw on the dreaded bay an unusual small scope which intrigued me.

An original K. Khales Helia Super 4 S1.

Basically a 4x scope with the No 4 Ret - 3 flat ended square posts. No cross hair/reticle side adjustment turret.
Claw fittings to the receiver of a gun.

Actually I might see if Jon Harris can do an adjustable scope rail for it to go onto the other MDS when Shaun at ISP has done the restoration.

I bought it because it is a steel body scope. It arrived just before going to Millride FT club on Saturday morning. So I took it with me.
What surprised me and some of the other lads, Shaun included, was that it focused down to 1 yard that's one yard - 3 feet. with amazing clarity. Then the radio mast up in the top corner of the field 350-450 yards away came in crisp with fine detail and amazing brightness. The vertical adjustment has loud Leupold sounding clicks, it's a 26mm tube, ocular diameter 38mm and front bell diameter 36mm.
Even dark areas at the base of trees 55 yds away were amazingly bright. Dusk, as we came out of the Café at Millride it had still amazing clarity.

I may even see if I can get a different reticle to fit in to it through Kahles themselves.

In the mean time can anyone suggest or recommend some 26mm adjustable scope rings - preferably low so I can try this out on the Mk1 Airstream.

Mark H.