Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
Yes they are - just get a corrective lens made ( as you would for any other shooting frames) to correct the astigmatism.
Yes, but using a pair of reading glasses from Tesco or the lens from them won't correct an astigmatism.
If you take a careful look at many of the cheap reading glasses you may find that the lenses are not perfect anyway, you may be lucky that the lens actually has an error that corrects a minor astigmatism, however that's about as likely as a win on the lottery, it's more likely to make things worse.
Having a standard size lens holder and asking an optician to prepare a lens for your prescription is the answer as you mentioned.
I'm not criticising the design or the production of the spec frames, I just wished to draw attention to the fact that those people who do have short (or long) sight problems are more likely than not to have some minor astigmatism as well that will be enough to affect the sight picture.
I have a pair of Varga frames that I have owned for years, I have 2 lens holders, one for rifle and one for pistol. I suppose I should buy another frame for less hassle but I very rarely shoot rifle and pistol at the same event. They didn't cost me a fortune, in the grand scheme of it a whole lot less than a rifle or pistol, some people have spent more on a glove or boots than I have on my frames and lenses.
If you need reading glasses it is worth going to the optician to get properly tested for astigmatism and any other eye problems while you are there, also explain that you wish to use them for target shooting, if your optician is mystified by this try another optician, but they should normally prescribe you a lens that will allow you to focus easily on the front sight element. You can then use the prescription reading glasses with a tape or card blinder to see if it actually does improve your shooting, if it does then buy whatever shooting frames take your fancy either these or more expensive ones and have your optician grind a lens to fit your lens holder.