
Got it. Thanks. I should have been clearer in my comment.

It’s a bit of a grey area how much extra work on imported parts qualifies as “made in...”. A lot of businesses across the board do the bare legal minimum. For example, I have heard that a lot of “made in Italy” clothes are actually mostly made in India or Mauritius, but have the final finishing done in Italy - just enough (probably) to meet the legal requirement. The old trading standards act guidance used to be clear that simply putting something in a new box, or plating steel cutlery with silver, did not qualify as “made in”, but was vague about what actually would qualify.

I’m a bit sceptical that 1996 or so Webley, haemorrhaging money, suddenly invested in Zamak casting and polymer technology, just to make the bargain-basement Stinger, from scratch.

So my hunch remains that the Stinger may have been legally “made in the U.K.” but was probably largely made here of parts made abroad, and/or, if made here, not, mostly, in the Webley factory.

I may well, of course, be wrong. The one thing this great forum lacks is an active, knowledgeable, former Webley employee who can help us clear up minor stuff like this.