
Here we go, folks, for another enjoyable, life-enrichening event; this event will be the 21st Boinger Bash that our beautiful hosts, Mick and Shirl, will have hosted for us.

It'll be fantastic to catch up with friends old and new; some very, very special people.

If you're one of those that have wondered what The Bash is like, delay no longer. Newcomers receive a warm welcome and you'll feel at home straight away in relaxed surroundings amongst like-minded friendly people.

Come and shoot your own gun(s) on a variety of targets from 10 to 75 yards. See and try other people's guns. Talk guns, pellets, scopes, shooting techniques, tuning, repairs, renovation; in fact, come and talk anything you like, airgun related or not.

These events hold a special place in many people's hearts and many a long-term friendship has been forged at Quigley Hollow.

And the April meet is often the highest attended one, following on the back of the long abstenence from the Winter.

Me and Craigy will be there, Mick. My turn this time, Mr P.

Can't wait.

The Sleepometer's up and running........89 to go, peeps.