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Thread: Reloading

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    What's happened to this section of the forum . It's only got three post showing on it or is it my Pc.

  2. #2
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    Leyland in darkest Lancashire. HERE BE DRAGONS

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    Thread display options, increase the timescale and then click on "Display Threads".
    The biggest problem facing this country today is not the terrorist. It's the politician.

    The Bosun's Watch

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Just not many posts in the past month, 4 inc yours.

  4. #4
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    Just not many posts in the past month, 4 inc yours.
    everyone who is doing it knows what they are doing at the moment ? at least I hope so
    You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into
    "Politicians like to panic, they need activity. It is their substitute for achievement" Sir Humphry Appleby

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    everyone who is doing it knows what they are doing at the moment ? at least I hope so
    yes i do hope so for their sake

  6. #6
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    BBS site is slowly dying, used to be the best place for info but all the 'rules' and bans are cathing up with it now as not many people bother and look elsewhere instead

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Fudd View Post
    BBS site is slowly dying, used to be the best place for info but all the 'rules' and bans are cathing up with it now as not many people bother and look elsewhere instead
    "all the bans" ? really? I dont personally know anyone who is banned currently and thats not something I have been able to say for years ! as for rules which one/ones upset you particulary?
    I would suggest your post count over the last 10 years may have more to play with the site slowing down than any rules, let alone bans if you and folk like you can't be bothered to post then of course the site will fade, you can't rely on Muskett to carry all the posting on his back !
    although he is doing pretty well
    You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into
    "Politicians like to panic, they need activity. It is their substitute for achievement" Sir Humphry Appleby

  8. #8
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    as you have noted my post count is low and has been for a few years because of the usual back lash you usually get when you say something that someone else doesn't agree with or may be seen to be wrong from the outside world, how many members that were banned are now back on? and actively contributing? not many I bet if any, plenty of people posting on the other sites out there so why not the BBS anymore? coincidence? NV section has died, reloading section has died, about the only thing with any input (that I use) is the sales section, that just my opinion which I used to be entitled too

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Fudd View Post
    as you have noted my post count is low and has been for a few years because of the usual back lash you usually get when you say something that someone else doesn't agree with or may be seen to be wrong from the outside world, how many members that were banned are now back on? and actively contributing? not many I bet if any, plenty of people posting on the other sites out there so why not the BBS anymore? coincidence? NV section has died, reloading section has died, about the only thing with any input (that I use) is the sales section, that just my opinion which I used to be entitled too
    I think you have a valid point, the world has changed, people use facebook more as well as other social media,this type of forum is no longer the only game in town and judging from the crap spouted on some of the facebook pages I have seen this is not an entirely good thing, however it is the way it is.
    as to the bans, a lot of people were often banned for being abusive or disruptive, its probably not a bad thing for those people to be elsewhere, a lot of very knowledgeable people got banned over the years because they couldn't stay the polite side of an argument and had to step over the line, a lot of them went on to be banned from other forums !
    I can't say I have seen many people banned in the recent past so not entirely sure what your beef is? it does seem strange that this is about the only non-sales thread you have commented on in a while ? it seems a bit strange to comment negatively on the decline of a forum that you take from, and at least recently don't contribute to? unless you consider your sales threads to be of intrinsic value to the forum as a whole ?
    You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into
    "Politicians like to panic, they need activity. It is their substitute for achievement" Sir Humphry Appleby

  10. #10
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    I think you have a valid point, the world has changed, people use facebook more as well as other social media,this type of forum is no longer the only game in town and judging from the crap spouted on some of the facebook pages I have seen this is not an entirely good thing, however it is the way it is.
    as to the bans, a lot of people were often banned for being abusive or disruptive, its probably not a bad thing for those people to be elsewhere, a lot of very knowledgeable people got banned over the years because they couldn't stay the polite side of an argument and had to step over the line, a lot of them went on to be banned from other forums !
    I can't say I have seen many people banned in the recent past so not entirely sure what your beef is? it does seem strange that this is about the only non-sales thread you have commented on in a while ? it seems a bit strange to comment negatively on the decline of a forum that you take from, and at least recently don't contribute to? unless you consider your sales threads to be of intrinsic value to the forum as a whole ?
    One chap got a lifetime ban for promoting Bradley Arms Ken

    One of the mistakes is allowing posting on anything "NOT" to do with shooting as this is often where the idiots crawl out of the woodwork mate. Politics, Religion, The Police, Brexit (technically politics but annoying in its own right), The death sentence, all worth avoiding if you dont want "Like minded" people to join the peoples judean front. Oh yea, did I mention Black rifles and F class?

    The other problem is that some come on here just for the above and dont (or rarely) shoot. I know the CSR shooter forum rubs some up the wrong way, but if you dont shoot CSR or the League, without a reasonable excuse, you will get culled.

    If you would not say it in a room full of people, or face to face, dont say it online because your audience are much bigger than a screen.
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parabuteo View Post
    One chap got a lifetime ban for promoting Bradley Arms Ken

    One of the mistakes is allowing posting on anything "NOT" to do with shooting as this is often where the idiots crawl out of the woodwork mate. Politics, Religion, The Police, Brexit (technically politics but annoying in its own right), The death sentence, all worth avoiding if you dont want "Like minded" people to join the peoples judean front. Oh yea, did I mention Black rifles and F class?

    The other problem is that some come on here just for the above and dont (or rarely) shoot. I know the CSR shooter forum rubs some up the wrong way, but if you dont shoot CSR or the League, without a reasonable excuse, you will get culled.

    If you would not say it in a room full of people, or face to face, dont say it online because your audience are much bigger than a screen.
    As I said Chris I haven't seen anyone banned in a while and old history is just that, the old regime has been gone some years and some of those bans were shall we say, sought as a badge of honour?
    The fact is the online world has changed and people have far more opportunity to band together in small like minded groups than they had a few years ago .
    People like small like minded groups , ergo large forums with diverse membership become quiet as everyone migrates to their personal happy space.
    It's possible that large forums will become extinct but for this one at least, I'm pretty certain it's not heavy handed moderation and arbitrary bans that will end it .
    You Cannot Reason People Out of Something They Were Not Reasoned Into
    "Politicians like to panic, they need activity. It is their substitute for achievement" Sir Humphry Appleby

  12. #12
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    I don't have a 'beef' with the BBS hence why I'm still here and come on regular, the original poster asked a question and I simply answered with my opinion nothing more

    I stopped 'contributing' after getting sick of running into opposition too often, I do often offer up advice though to those I feel need it and contribute positively where I can, my original post and statement still stands as I feel that's how it is

  13. #13
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    As I said Chris I haven't seen anyone banned in a while and old history is just that, the old regime has been gone some years and some of those bans were shall we say, sought as a badge of honour?
    The fact is the online world has changed and people have far more opportunity to band together in small like minded groups than they had a few years ago .
    People like small like minded groups , ergo large forums with diverse membership become quiet as everyone migrates to their personal happy space.
    It's possible that large forums will become extinct but for this one at least, I'm pretty certain it's not heavy handed moderation and arbitrary bans that will end it .

    I did try to get Banned but Gary C always gave me a Gypsies warning. I have matured...mostly
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Fudd View Post
    BBS site is slowly dying, used to be the best place for info but all the 'rules' and bans are cathing up with it now as not many people bother and look elsewhere instead
    Nothing is as good as it used to be, it's one of the joys of getting older!!!!!!
    John Darling JD (1946-2004) was my inspiration to be the best i can and enjoy the sport i love. R.I.P
    A dedicated HW80 Fanatic and owner since 1986 to present.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kennyc View Post
    everyone who is doing it knows what they are doing at the moment ? at least I hope so
    or maybe they dont and cannot post due to lack of digits

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