I just noticed a Hammerli Cadet made under licence in India. It must have passed me by earlier.

Owner and Hammerli collector Mark D said this about it:

"Cadet Single Nr 3589 Stamped - 'Made in India' - Licence Hammerli _ National Rifles. Apart from the front and rear sight it is built exactly the same as the other rifles. I have never before come across a Hammerli made under licence, least of all in India. If any other Hammerli collector can shed some light on this the please do so. It has a different rear sight to the others, but is the standard length of the production models at 120 cm and 2100grms in weight....

"Did Hammerli look at subcontracting out the production to India or did some entrepreneur in India approach Hammerli with a view to producing the rifles for its home market under licence? I know nothing about the market for CO2 rifles in India in the mid '60s so it must remain a mystery at this moment."