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Thread: Help wanted from Haenel pistol owners

  1. #1
    ccdjg is offline Airgun Alchemist, Collector and Scribe
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    Help wanted from Haenel pistol owners

    Do you own an example of the “Haenel air pistol”, as opposed to its virtually identical successor the more plentiful “Haenel 28” air pistol? I am carrying out a bit of research on these to try to understand better the structural differences between them, but there are so few of the "Haenel air pistol" version about that it is proving difficult. The two pistols are most easily differentiated by the lettering on the cylinder, which states “The Haenel Air Pistol” on the former and “Haenel Model 28” on the latter.

    I believe that another difference between them might be the size of the flanges for the sear housing, as pointed out by the red arrows in the following picture. The upper gun is the Haenel 28 and has a flanges that extend beyond the grip plate, whereas in the lower “Haenel air pistol” the flange is virtually hidden by the grip plate.

    I have never see a “Haenel 28” with the small flanges, so if you do have one could you let me know?
    On the other hand, if you have a “Haenel air pistol” could you let me know what size the flanges are?

    Thanks for any help you can give.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Hi John.
    My Haenel Air Pistol has the small flanges as shown in your pic.

    Another difference is the action latch.
    My gun has a round pin with a latching groove in the LHS of the pin. Very different from the flat hook on the 28.

  3. #3
    ccdjg is offline Airgun Alchemist, Collector and Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leonardj View Post
    Hi John.
    My Haenel Air Pistol has the small flanges as shown in your pic.

    Another difference is the action latch.
    My gun has a round pin with a latching groove in the LHS of the pin. Very different from the flat hook on the 28.
    Thanks for the information Len. I now know of three "Haenel Air Pistols" with the small flanges, so it is looking like a diagnostic. It would be nice to hear about a few more though.
    As I indicated previously. it would be equally useful to know of any "Haenel 28's" that might exceptionally have these small flanges. The lack of response so far, given that there must be many "28" owners reading this thread suggests that there may not be any, and so the change was sharp with no carry over.

    The rod shaped latch, as opposed to the hook, is very characteristic of the "Haenel Air Pistol", but I did have some verbal information a while ago (unsubstantiated) that some of early 28's many also have had this. If anyone owns a 28 with the rod latch I would love to hear about it.

  4. #4
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    The Haenel Air Pistol

    Quote Originally Posted by ccdjg View Post
    Do you own an example of the “Haenel air pistol”, as opposed to its virtually identical successor the more plentiful “Haenel 28” air pistol? I am carrying out a bit of research on these to try to understand better the structural differences between them, but there are so few of the "Haenel air pistol" version about that it is proving difficult. The two pistols are most easily differentiated by the lettering on the cylinder, which states “The Haenel Air Pistol” on the former and “Haenel Model 28” on the latter.

    I believe that another difference between them might be the size of the flanges for the sear housing, as pointed out by the red arrows in the following picture. The upper gun is the Haenel 28 and has a flanges that extend beyond the grip plate, whereas in the lower “Haenel air pistol” the flange is virtually hidden by the grip plate.

    I have never see a “Haenel 28” with the small flanges, so if you do have one could you let me know?
    On the other hand, if you have a “Haenel air pistol” could you let me know what size the flanges are?

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    Hi John,

    Further credence for your theory - My "Haenel Air Pistol" also has the virtually hidden flanges.



  5. #5
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Hi l have had 3 of the (Haenel air pistol) pistols over the years, and from memory they were all the same as the one in your photo. and all with the same catch. not sure if this helps.

  6. #6
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    I managed to look at 4 of my Haenel Air Pistols and the flange is virtually not visible. All of my Haenel Mod 28 do have the visible flange.

  7. #7
    ccdjg is offline Airgun Alchemist, Collector and Scribe
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    Thanks everyone for the invaluable information. Using this and some new data I have obtained from other sources there at least twelve examples of the "Haenel Air Pistol" with the small sear housing flanges I know of. No examples with large flanges and no "Haenel 28's" with small flanges have yet turned up, so I think we can now say with reasonable certainty that the small flanges are a unique identification characteristic of the "Haenel Air Pistol".

    This is actually very useful, as the flanges are visible on the outside of the gun, unlike the cylinder latch, and so enable the model to be identified immediately from auction photo's etc. More than once examples of the rarer "Haenel Air Pistol" have been incorrectly described as Haenel 28's in catalogues and collectors may have missed out on these

    It may also be possible to identify "Haenel Air Pistols" externally from the grip medallion, which is usually flat rather than haveing a raised rim, but I am not sure how reliable this is. Also it is not quite so easy to distinguish from photographs.

    Thanks again!

  8. #8
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccdjg View Post
    Thanks everyone for the invaluable information. Using this and some new data I have obtained from other sources there at least twelve examples of the "Haenel Air Pistol" with the small sear housing flanges I know of. No examples with large flanges and no "Haenel 28's" with small flanges have yet turned up, so I think we can now say with reasonable certainty that the small flanges are a unique identification characteristic of the "Haenel Air Pistol".

    This is actually very useful, as the flanges are visible on the outside of the gun, unlike the cylinder latch, and so enable the model to be identified immediately from auction photo's etc. More than once examples of the rarer "Haenel Air Pistol" have been incorrectly described as Haenel 28's in catalogues and collectors may have missed out on these

    It may also be possible to identify "Haenel Air Pistols" externally from the grip medallion, which is usually flat rather than haveing a raised rim, but I am not sure how reliable this is. Also it is not quite so easy to distinguish from photographs.

    Thanks again!
    The strange thing with the Haenel air pistol is that it must have been made alongside the model 28. because of the difference in se/nos. as 2 of the 3 of the ones that l had. one being in the 3000s and the other in the 7000s.

  9. #9
    ccdjg is offline Airgun Alchemist, Collector and Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by micky2 View Post
    The strange thing with the Haenel air pistol is that it must have been made alongside the model 28. because of the difference in se/nos. as 2 of the 3 of the ones that l had. one being in the 3000s and the other in the 7000s.

    Interesting point. However, the limited catalogue data currently available points to the Haenel 28 being made after the Haenel Air Pistol (give or take a year for disposal of old stock) . If this was the case, then the known wide overlap of serial numbers means that the two pistols must have had separate numbering sequences.

  10. #10
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    The other variation of the 28 the Super is much rarer, this one sold this week on the bay. It was in such bad shape I didn’t pursue it at $230. Wonder how many of these are out there?

  11. #11
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    never seen one before

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cinedux View Post
    never seen one before
    Very few made, only difference is brass emblems and engraving on top.


  13. #13
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Quote Originally Posted by 45flint View Post
    Very few made, only difference is brass emblems and engraving on top.

    Every days a school day on here. l have never seen or heard of one until now. thanks to Dannys excellent site and Flint pointing me to it. l wonder if it was Haenels way of selling point stamping it with super and changeing the badge as well to make it sound much better. being as Diana had one with super on it.

  14. #14
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    I kind of wonder if the “Super” wasn’t directed at the US somewhat like the Stoeger Webleys? Several months ago I got this 1934 catalog advertising it in the US? Seems like we have more than our share of all the Haenel pistols?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    That catalog shot is very cool - looks like we should really be watching out for a "28 Super Repeater"!

    Don R.

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