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Thread: Ridiculous prices

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006

    My take

    It is a little unfair to compare trade and private prices. We have all found under-priced olduns, but you have to put that down to luck. I have bought guns from J C, Tim and another big trader, all of which I may have found a bit cheaper eventually.

    The thing is these people spend a lot of time and money, going around the country to source stock, advertising and attending Fairs. The legal paperwork and website stuff must take for ever.

    On one occasion, I attended Brum and payed double the going rate for a Webley that a Northern Militaria trader had, it hurt at the time and I had to be pushed into buying by my fellow travelling collector buddy. Sooo pleased he did, as it would have been lost forever.

    How lucky we are to have these people finding and displaying some lovely things and giving us the choice and opportunity to buy.
    Last edited by Binners; 15-06-2019 at 12:31 PM. Reason: spelin mastic

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Quote Originally Posted by Binners View Post
    It is a little unfair to compare trade and private prices. We have all found under-priced olduns, but you have to put that down to luck. I have bought guns from J C, Tim and another big trader, all of which I may have found a bit cheaper eventually.

    The thing is these people spend a lot of time and money, going around the country saucing stock, advertising and attending Fairs. The legal paperwork and website stuff must take for ever.

    On one occasion, I attended Brum and payed double the going rate for a Webley that a Northern Militaria trader had, it hurt at the time and I had to be pushed into buying by my fellow travelling collector buddy. Sooo pleased he did, as it would have been lost forever.

    How lucky we are to have these people finding and displaying some lovely things and giving us the choice and opportunity to buy.
    I concur. Just think of the number of wasted trips dealers make to view that item in 'mint' condition that turns out to be a piece of cr*p. In effect, you're paying a 'finder's fee' at a fair from one of these dealers, which saves you time and effort in tracking old airguns down. Using Tim Dyson as an example, it is possible to attend a fair and come away with a near complete Webley collection or maybe with that one pistol you were previously missing. It may not be cheap or bargain basement but the opportunity is there and a prospective buyer can make their own mind up when viewing. Personally I think our hobby benefits from the presence of specialist dealers.


  3. #18
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Binners View Post

    How lucky we are to have these people finding and displaying some lovely things and giving us the choice and opportunity to buy.

    Wise words, all, my fine old sage, so upon reflecting on my earlier glib comment, I not only now concede, but now with a wider field of vision, I also concur. Good skittles
    Binners old bean.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Winchester, UK
    I agree with what has been said by Binners and John, but don't forget the advert mentioned by the OP was from a private seller.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josie & John View Post
    I concur. Just think of the number of wasted trips dealers make to view that item in 'mint' condition that turns out to be a piece of cr*p. In effect, you're paying a 'finder's fee' at a fair from one of these dealers, which saves you time and effort in tracking old airguns down. Using Tim Dyson as an example, it is possible to attend a fair and come away with a near complete Webley collection or maybe with that one pistol you were previously missing. It may not be cheap or bargain basement but the opportunity is there and a prospective buyer can make their own mind up when viewing. Personally I think our hobby benefits from the presence of specialist dealers.

    I couldn't agree more. Although there is a lot of pleasure to be had in pursuit of an addition to any collection, this is often accompanied by a great deal of frustration. Dealers spend a great deal of their time, much probably wasted, sorting the wheat from the chaff, so some financial reward is not unreasonable. They obviously incur expense in sourcing items and have contacts to which we private collectors may not have access. Consequently they often uncover the rarer items we private collectors might not otherwise have the opportunity to purchase.
    Finally, It's nice to just browse and compare the large collections dealers display even if there is no intention to necessarily buy anything.

  6. #21
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    I agree that dealers have a place and it's true that as collectors there are times we may pay premium prices to fill a gap that might take years to fill otherwise.

    But I have a lot more time for, say, a Tim or a Keith, who are basically collectors themselves at heart, than I do for some businesses that just see old airguns as an opportunity to make a fast buck, and who try to drive up the market as far and as fast as they can.

    They are not so much helping true collectors as hindering them...
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  7. #22
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    Two other points, if you are in need of money, Tim and Keith will often buy your guns or take them in px as stock, even when they have plenty. They will never offer you retail prices for obvious reasons.

    At the December Fair, a private seller had a very tidy Webley mk3 Supertarget for sale at £575, while 20 M away a Trader had one identical on offer at £400.

    Happy ferreting chaps...

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troubledshooter View Post
    The private seller in the Southampton area states the orientation as ambidextrous; I would suggest the pricing is ambitious to say the least, particularly when compared to others of a similar ilk advertised by dealers.
    I wish the seller the best of luck, but I think he/she may still be the owner for some time to come.
    Ambidextrous, the buyer has to pay double, once for each side.
    Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Does anyone know if the pistol is still available? Might be interested . Do you think they might take a coconut in exchange? Would have to put money with it, my way of course.
    Guns and boats .... works for me

  10. #25
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    Its a hobby, pay the price thats worth it to you.

    Dealers? Well frankly there isn't enough in old guns as it is. Not alone. The old guns are only taken in to get customers into the shop to buy other more commercially viable stuff.
    (Making £50 on a gun isn't a profit. I think the take would need to be at least £150 to make commercial sense from a retail outlet.)

    Hobby dealers are at best hoping to cover their costs and more likely to make a small loss that their enjoyment of te hobby pays back.
    Without some other form of income then it doesn't make commercial sense.
    For those who do it its for the fun of it all. I'm pleased someone does do it as its fun for me too, if only to look at some lovelies. So thank you.

    There will always be chancers or those who just don't know but give it a go at selling something well above the odds. For buyers its your money, and how you spend it is up to you.

  11. #26
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    There are chancers in every walk of life, and airgun collecting is no different. As always it pays to do your research.

    The saying " Everything comes to he who waits" is very true and never more so that in collecting, HOWEVER sometimes the wait is a very long time, so if you have a need for a specific gun to fill a hole in your collection, then it is often worth paying a bit more ( over the market price) to avoid the long wait.

    Often the dealers will take a fair offer on stock, as as others have said, no one see's all the time and money spent following up leads and visiting sellers in order to get this wonderful stock. Every time I visit Tim Dyson's stall at Kempton, I am amazed at all the wonderfully rare things on show - which would probably take a collector a lifetime to amass the slow way. I don't begrudge them a fair profit for what they do ( and also its free to look, and to ask questions)

    Caveat Emptor - Buyer beware ! Never more true in collecting .


  12. #27
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Where would we be without the dealers. no gun fairs to go to to see all the collectable wares that they have found for us. if it wasn't for airgun and antique firearms dealers l would not have the collection that l have now. but l would think that most of us has picked up the odd bargain along the way from private sellers. and l might add l have also picked up the odd bargain from gun dealers over the years.

  13. #28
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    I’ve only been collecting for a couple of years and haven’t got to the point where I need to fill gaps with very hard to find items (well, maybe a couple, and I’ve chanced across some very rare pieces along the way) I was a bit confused by some dealers when trying to find out how much stuff was worth early on. Obviously it’s worth what the buyer is prepared to pay.

    So I take people’s point that some dealers offer a service to people who require a rare item in best condition and are prepared to pay a premium for the effort made to track down these pieces in the first place.

    I suppose in particular Tim Dyson seems to be the only dealer who specialises in items in really fantastic condition, so he’s offering a unique service.

    Sage council as ever chaps,

  14. #29
    Join Date
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    One has to admit that a 'Wobbly' pistol that looks good, fires and is not broken is a very rare thing indeed. plus

    God loves a trier.

    [Off to my bunker. ]

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    One has to admit that a 'Wobbly' pistol that looks good, fires and is not broken is a very rare thing indeed. plus

    God loves a trier.

    [Off to my bunker. ]

    Just don't go making any more tea Ian - not sure if I could take seeing that image again!


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