Hi All

I ran European support for a Multi national for 20 years, plus 12 years on and off with MTC. MTC have had a small issue with a supplier and ended up not being able to get end caps, promised 6x, shipment arrived, no end caps. This led to a lot of understandable frustration from our AND most importantly the customers point of view. I took the customer calls and mails. My way is a tad unorthodox, in that I just tell the customer the truth. I'd be pissed off if I was him, I am pissed off taking all the flak, here is what is happening, truth is we could be screwed again. Customer may not get a resolution but at least they get the truth. Best I can do. Most appreciated it and have been patient, issue now resolved. I've also had to contact a few companies recently with repair / warrant issues and have managed to obtain good service with a few simple methods

Here are a few dos and don'ts for getting the best service

FIRST call, assume success

1. Even if you are angry, calm down. Always be polite and respectful. If you do then you are making the CS person's day better and they will be more inclined to help

2. Write down the facts. It's easy to get flustered on a call. Email is better as you have a record. Follow up with a call to ensure they got the email if necessary

3. Write down what they say, and get a name

4. Get specifics. When and how they will resolve it

5. NEVER. Threaten on a first call. If you play the "If you don't do this I will blacken your name on social media" for example the response will always be "Go ahead". A company can't open the door.

6. Empathise. Understand their job and they will understand your feelings. Take the time to explain why you need the item by a certain date. It goes a long way.

7. If you don't get the answer you want politely ask to escalate to a manager.

8. Know your rights. Occassionally a company will try to duck liability if its expensive. I had an issue with a 3 year old tow bar, they tried to say it had a one year warranty. I politely but firmly told them the score, that I needed the tow bar sorting as we are touring, but if they told me there was no issue they would be liable for further damage, plus If they charged me then I would pay but immediately go legal to recover. They fixed it FOC.


Don't get mad, get even. If you feel you are being shafted then learn your rights, learn the best way to approach them legally, and escalate the pressure. 90%+ companies will do a volte face if you are in the right . If ever you need help on this drop me a message or give me a call, I am always happy to help. Unless you are suing MTC, in which case ....

Just remember, the person at the other end has a set of rules they work to. They have limit, but they do have leeway and where you are in that leeway will depend on how much they like you !

Purely shooting, I have dealt with all the big companies for 20 years shooting wise and apart from Theoben I have found them pretty good to superb.

OK. Enough musing. Got to wipe my bum and go out.